Friday, April 2, 2021

Happy Easter

"I am wishing everyone a Happy Easter. May all
kitties get surprise Easter treats. That's what the
rabbit is for, right?"

Precious is just glad for the late afternoon sun puddles we
are now getting a few more days a week.  Months of darkness
and cloud cover off Lake Erie are coming to an end.

Today is Good Friday.  I remember when I was a youth, 
stores closed at noon that holy day.  And we could go to church 
For me, it was Holy Mass.  And then on joyous Easter Sunday,
stores were closed because at that time in life stores were never
open on Sundays.  For me, it is still a joyous day.
Precious and I wish everyone a wonderful Easter. 

This is a yard of thousands of crocus blooming a short time ago. Our
first flowers in the area and they were in a front yard of a
home in our big little city close to the library (which is still only
able to offer curb side pick up).

I took a long 3 mile walk that day in town to go past homes and
yards with the flowers, visit a couple shops that were open and
just enjoy the coldness of winter being gone. I still needed
a coat, as the wind was 40 MPH at the time and the
ground just thawed out.
And then here is what happened on Holy Thursday, it snowed!
And it was 20 degrees F/ -6 C Wednesday and Thursday nights.

"Hey, where is my Easter basket? I don't even see
it laying about!"

As a side note, I have now had my 2nd covid shot. 
Absolutely no side effects felt from the Pfizer vaccine.
I'm still wearing my mask everywhere.

Thanks for stopping for a visit and a comment. It is much appreciated.



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

You may have to wait till Sunday for
your Easter basket Precious..!x
At least you have bunny rabbits to
play with in the mean time...! :).

Yes! I remember Good Friday church
as a boy..two hours in the afternoon,
stations of the cross, adoration of the
cross, and mass of course..very solemn
occasion..! :(.

Hope you and your lovely family have a
nice Easter weekend Precious..Take care,
and enjoy the sunshine! Bless!x

Smudge said...

Happy Easter to you, Precious and Lynn. I hope your holiday weekend is nice and warm.

Kea said...

We wish you both a happy Easter, we hope you have a lovely celebration. :-)

John Bellen said...

I remember the old days when everything was closed on Sundays except churches. I liked that. It was peaceful. It felt like a real day of rest. I am pleased that you aren't feeling any side-effects from your shot. That's a bonus.

Have a happy Easter; may it be the start of a blessed spring.

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Easter and I wish you a meaningful blessed Good friday as well.


Julie said...

Happy Easter to you & dear Precious too Lynn. I love the pic of her enjoying some sunbeams. Just wonderful. We have a cold wind here today & though the sun is out it is crisp & I am pulling out warmer clothing from the back of my wardrobe. xx

Marvelous Marv said...

Happy Easter to you! Our human remembers Easter weekend very much as you do. I love the yard of crocuses. We had a yard like that on Vancouver Island! I am happy that you had no effects from the vaccine! And we wish you a Blessed and Happy Easter!

Katie Isabella said...

Me too. Wish I could return to those times.

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...