Friday, April 9, 2021

Up Up and Away

 "Lynn, see me climb to the top of my world."

"First I gotta get up off the floor."

"And moving right along I get up a bit."

"Now pulling up the lower 1/2 of my tubby
tummy is a bit of a challenge."

"And then I'm almost to the finish line."

"So here I am on top of Mt. Everready- Cotton- Pickin'- Est.
What the heck is that spot on the wall? Bug, spider web,
DIRT!  I'll try to get while I'm up here.
I thought I would spot a hot air balloon.

Thanks Precious, for showing off your keen eye sight and
seeing I need to do house work.


This wild flower is a deep blue Hepatica.

And this is a sweet pink Spring Beauty, that the
bright sunshine on Easter Sunday washed out.
No complaints about the sun, I guarantee you.

And this is Colt's Foot that started blooming in late
March.  The leaves will not emerge until May or June.
These prove to me that Spring is springing up.

Thank you for stopping in for a visit and a comment.
It is appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Hope you can breathe all the
way up ther..Well done Precious..
At least you made it..! :).
Reminded me of James Cagney in the
film White Heat..
"Top of the world Ma"..HeHe! Bless!x

Smudge said...

What a great view you must have from up there, Precious. I'm kind of in the same boat on the tummy thing (insert dad joke here), and I honestly probably would never get myself up on that top tier. Enjoy your weekend, dear girl.

Katie Isabella said...

Dalring. Concatulations for making it to the top of the world! I love it for you. I am in mine now!

Julie said...

Oh you are a clever thing Precious - Way up high there & you can peer down on Mum. No don't go spotting any housework that needs doing ... just enjoy the view. xx

Gidget Blue Sky said...

yoo iz furry graceful

catladymac said...

Good job Precious - getting your daily exercises !

Marvelous Marv said...

Precious! You made us laugh! Some of us are tummy challenged (Claw is pointed at Me, Marv) and our trees are not as tall as yours! We love to bat at the spider webs...just to make Mom realize she needs to dust more! And your flowers are splenderifierous! The only things that are blooming here are the dandelions and the buttercups, but there are others getting ready for their spring displays! Thanks for your terrific post! We LOVE coming to your place too!

Henny Penny said...

You made it Precious! Pulling that "tummy" up reminds me of Smokey. He has a tummy just like yours. :) A heavy little tummy!

John Bellen said...

Every cat has her own way of climbing. It's fun to watch how each does it. You pull more than push, it seems, Precious.

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...