Friday, February 19, 2021

Put and Take

 "Where has this 'naner been hiding? I thought it got too

ripe and you threw it out."

One month of having her own 'naner, and she is still
playing with it off and on. The offs are when I put it away
in a plastic baggie to keep the scent in and let her forget
she has it.

Precious received a box one day in January and it now has
3 windows with sills and a front porch with roof.

"Who put this fruit on my sill?  I still want the house
painted and wall papered. Can't do that with trash around."

"I'll just have to get it off the sill. Lynn, you are
not helpful to me."

"I'm whapping it with all I got, Lynn. If it
isn't already over ripened, I'll make it a mashed

This beautiful frozen snow is about 30 inches from over the past 3 1/2 weeks.
It looks to be only a foot deep and it is, however it has settled with 
each additional snowfall and frozen. So much that I can walk on
it without breaking through.  I am so over February. Today's
storm is to bring in 6 to 10 more inches. Tomorrow I will be
shoveling off that clean driveway, again.
 And I realize
how lucky I am that we only have snow up here and not the devastating

"Whew, Lynn, now the 'naner is done for I'm thinking I 
could really go for a hot chicken dinner. I see just
which one I will pick out."

Thank you all for stopping for a look and a comment. It means a lot.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

I was just popping off downstairs, to make
another lemon tea..when..ooooO! There's
Precious and her naner..! :).
When l first saw the naner..l actually
thought it was a real one, now, that would
be fun..! :)

And..l do love your box precious, looks nice
and strong, so perhaps next time we see it,
it might be decorated a bit..make it look
more like home..! :)

Well..Think l'll go make that lemon tea...!
And, a couple of chocolate biscuits to..! :O).

Smudge said...

What an excellent box house. Glad to see you're enjoying that there nanner. Mom likes hers grossly underripe, whereas dad prefers his right between perfect and starting to turn. Dad says he's so glad we don't get that much snow here. He grew up with it and doesn't like to shovel it any more. We actually have an almost-identical photo of me looking out at a single burd on our deck where we used to live, but I'd much prefer a whole gaggle like that! Stay warm this weekend, dear Precious.

Kea said...

Precious, your house is pretty awesome, even without wallpaper and paint. We never kept cardboard around for long, because Angel Nicki would attack anything cardboard, chew it and spit it out all over the place. Any box, any cardboard scratcher. Crazy cat.

We have quite a bit of snow now too, had 27 cm earlier in the week, with a few more cm on the way and more next week. We both are so over February too, and all the biped wants is to see spring flowers coming up, and to be able to go for walks on bare, dry sidewalks. Still, here in our part of Canada we're very lucky to have heat, water and power, unlike so many in Texas.

Anyway, Precious, we hope you get your chicken dinner! :-P

Henny Penny said...

What a nice box house you have. Dumperoo and I need one to play in, and maybe a nanner too. Sure looks cold outside that window where the birds are gathered.

Julie said...

Oh what a cute house Precious. Yes I could just see some paint & some wallpaper with kitty cats on it. I won't tell Miss Pip or she will want her own little house with windows & a sill.

Marvelous Marv said...

Your Box house is terrific! We are no longer allowed box houses in the house...some cat pees in them...and your Nanner is so pristine! After about 10 minutes, ours is all guncky from the cat slobber and slowly turns black! We too had MORE SNOW! Our Mom was out shovelling the 6 inches that fell last night so we are late getting around today. Stay warm and safe guys! And enjoy your nanner and box house (I, Marv, and so jealous) and have a marvellously Happy Day!

John Bellen said...

It's good to see that Precious is still playing with her nanner. Mine usually give a toy a few minutes at most. But why the whapping, Precious?

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Precious has it made having her own house and a nanner to enjoy! Your weather looks so cold!! Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

Poppy Q said...

Awesome apartment Precious!!

John Bellen said...

Thank you for your sympathetic comments about Josie’s death. I too will miss seeing her do her thing around the apartment. Near the end, she didn’t do much, but I always liked to see her snoozing away, or having a drink of water or, of course, having a decent amount to eat. I will miss her greatly.

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, Momma, me and mommy LOVE your new house with windows sills and a roof over the front porch! Mommy! I want one too. Precious, you can have the nanner after your mom fixes that chicken you pick out, out there. She has to trap it, and prepare it for your supper. No, she can't share. Mom said to tell you that she LOVED your comment today to me about her UTB.

Julie Ann Lozada said...

oh this is so cute with beautiful story. you really have a very interesting blog.

Let's connect. I followed your blog, I hope you can follow back! Thanks :)

INSTAGRAM: @julieann_lozada

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...