Friday, January 22, 2021

She took to her Bed

"Lynn, what is that awful noise? How can I get
any sleep?"

Poor Precious trying to get her beauty rest during the day in her tent-bed.
And the neighbors are having their spare lot cleared of
briars and multiflora and dead trees. All Ash trees here 
are now dead.  We have thousands of skeletons standing every where.
There were some on our property alive
until 2 years ago. We had 15 dead ones removed.

This is one trailer I can see from the bedroom window.

It was a sunny but cold day. But I am sure the Amish in the stove pipe
hat was not cold with all the work he and another man did.

"I need absolute peace and QUIET. Doesn't anyone hear me?"



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! What shame...The Ash is tolerant of most soils,
relatively pest-free, drought tolerant, has beautiful
fall color that ranges from yellow to deep reds, and
is a strikingly graceful and beautiful tree..
And the disease that will kill it is..Ash Dieback...
It kills 80% of the trees in the UK alone..! :(.

Never mind the'll 'blow'
over..! :o).

Marvelous Marv said...

Its too bad all the ash have died, but how rude of the people removing them to ruin your rest! We hope the rest of your day is wonderful.

Julie said...

You have such a sweet face Precious. Full of concern for the noise. Gosh that's alot of clearing being done. I am wondering if they chip all the branches for wood or cut it up for firewood.

Lynn and Precious said...

Some logs were hauled away but all small limbs were turned into ground up chips and left on the ground. Not sure what the neighbors think that is good for.

John Bellen said...

What killed your ash trees? That's a shame. I hate to see trees die; it takes so long for them to grow. At least Precious had her tent to hide in.

Smudge said...

Oh my dear Precious, don't you just hate it when humans disrupt your sleep patterns? Don't they understand we need our beauty rest? I tell you...

Lynn and Precious said...

Emerald Ash borers lay their eggs on the trees and the larvae eat the tree from inside.

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Precious! Thanks for visiting on Caturday Art, you know your Mom could easily do the art we did today, at the site we used, you just choose which you like, upload a picture and click OK and in a few seconds, your art appears! Then you download it! Have a marvellously happy day!

John Bellen said...

That's too bad. You'd think they wouldn't cause so much destruction as to do themselves out of food and nest...

catladymac said...

The ash borers did in all our ash trees too. Too bad nothing kills r. multiflora - well, we haven't have tried napalm. Yet.

Katie Isabella said...

I read what John said above there. All of our ash trees are pretty much dead as well...same reason. It's such a shame and sorrow that an entire species will be gone forever.

A Joyful Cottage said...

How sad to lose your trees. :( It looks like you live in a heavily wooded area. I hope there are other types of trees that give you shade and beauty. Hugs.

Jean | said...

Lynn, I've never met a cat who was not bothered by noise and commotion. We had to have a new wall furnace installed, and our cat couldn't get away fast enough. He makes his displeasure known even when workmen come for quieter things!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...