Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Trip to the Orphanage

"Tell me all about it Lynn. Was it like I 

I finally finished 5 cat beds and took them in to the Humane
Society for Christmas gift. I was very glad to see the changes
they have made recently. When I went in June, to drop off all
the toys and treats that were Precious's, I did not go inside. This
time there was only one visitor car in the lot, so I put on my mask
and went in. 
The above is the 'community" play room. They only put a few cats
in here at a time, and ones that they know they get along well. It
used to be full of cats, as this was just one of the 4 man size "cages"
that all cats had to live in. Regardless of how well they got along or
not.  Very stressful for cats to live like that. No wonder Precious
was less than 5 pounds at 14 months old. She was too shy to fight 
her way to the food and water bowls. Like so many cats.

I took some pictures of the cats and older kittens.

They keep the really small kittens in the basement
until they are fostered out or old enough to be introduced
to older cats.

I was really glad to see they have replaced 3 cage rooms
with individual cat cages. I believe that is better for the
cats. Not 15 cats using one litter box, that just can't be
cleaned often enough or group food dishes they may
end up fighting over.

"Gosh Lynn, I wish I had had my own cubby, with
private powder room, Limoges china dishes, and 
Eider down bed."

Well, Precious, I won't burst your wishful thinking
bubble.  Not all was just like that, but it certainly
was so much better.  And without the community 
bathroom, the house smelled so much nicer.

Of course, I would have brought 1/2 of the cats home
with me if only I could. One reason I do not go in to
see them when I drop things off and make a donation.
Too heartbreaking. But this is a no-kill home and they
do have a very. good adoption rate.

"I'll sleep better knowing the orphans are safe
and warm and I helped make the beds. But a good
thing, Lynn, you did not bring me home a mate!"


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh my goodness, it makes me want to take all of them home. Alas, I have 4 girls and several strays (which I don't feed). I've fed little kittens that seemed abandoned, ended up giving one to the animal rescue league here, another just stopped coming around. The older strays give me the 'please feed me' look, but they are being well fed by others. I'm sure Precious appreciated being with you where she is loved and pampered. ;-) May you two have a lovely Christmas ~ FlowerLady

Julie said...

Gosh Lynn - thanks for sharing the pics today - it breaks my heart too. The cats all look healthy though. When it was time for us to choose Pippi from the Animal Care Society I had to send The Mr as everytime I went in to choose a kitten I just wanted to bring them all home with me & I would cry. Precious is SO lucky to get to live with you Lynn. My stepson has just paid $500 (which he cannot really afford!!) to buy a British Blue kitten - it does my head in when I think of all the beautiful rescue kittens he could've given a home to. Best I not get started Lynn. Hello to you & Precious today xx

John Bellen said...

I dislike seeing cats in the cages but you are right: it is better that each has his safe zone, rather than putting them with cats who, among others, might become bullies. The shy ones would retreat further into their shells and never be adopted, never mind become relaxed. And that five more have warm beds, thanks to you, will be appreciated.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...