Saturday, December 19, 2020

Take sun where we can get it

She's a sun beam seeker.

Winter is here, not it's worse yet, but cold. And Precious
seeks out any sun ray she can find in the late afternoon
when the sun is coming in the front west facing window.

On days when it isn't too cold, after the sun warms up
the front door and porch, I'll open the door for a bit. Not
energy efficient, however, I think I can take the furnace
running a bit more for her pleasure.  It is certainly short
lived as the sun goes behind the bare trees across the road.
Then it is daylight a while longer but quickly too cold.

"Gosh, Lynn, were are the butterflies and humming birds?
They've all left me and now I just have dry leaves blowing
all about the yard! I'd love to catch them!"

We had a "snow incident" the next morning. Just ask me what
that means! It used to be called a snow storm when it was inches
deep, now the weather girl ( I know, don't call her a girl)
uses new terms for old weather patterns. And yes, I consider her
a girl, she looks too old to be my granddaughter, and so young
she'd could be the youngest child, if I'd have had kids.



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Nearly ten o'clock in the morning
over here..sat at the PC..and the
sun's up..shinning through the
Paddington Bear curtains..! :).
Been qiute warm, no frost as yet,
though snow up north..and there
welcome to it..! :(.

And, you've got a lovely sun spot
there Precious, watching the leaves,
best place to be..enjoy! :).

John Bellen said...

The sun doesn't shine much into the Cosy Apartment at this time of year, so the beasts have to rely on snug beds and heating pads for their extra warmth. I too leave a window minimally open for scents. It makes sense, though it costs me cents...

As for weather-reporters, most of them are not meteorologists and if a reporter looks twelve years old - and they usually speak like it, as well - I call them 'girls' or 'boys'. When they are my age, maybe they will act and sound like men and women...

Julie said...

Oh Lynn & Precious I wish I could send you some sunny rays from here - it is very hot here now & the grass is turning brown. Pip & Blackie are inside where its cooler but Blackie really suffers in the heat - he's the wrong colour for summer.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...