Sunday, December 13, 2020

Pause for the paws

 "Hey, Lynn, let me smell your paw."

Precious always has to sniff my hand many times a day.
I really don't know if she is inspecting me for cleanliness
or to see if I have been holding back of some flavorful
food. When she won't otherwise give  me the time of day 
(and she knows certain times of day!), 
 if I put my hand out she'll just spend minutes going
over it.

I thought I'd put out just a couple warm weather pictures, as
there are no summer temps now.

If you can make it out, this kitty is often on the bike
path at a farm I ride by. I have been seeing him since early
this Spring when he was so tiny. And friendly now, 
but not so I can get off the bike and pet it or get a better
picture. I love cats. They have dogs too, and not unusual
to see them with the cat. But as you can see,
 no dog picture!

A Hackberry Butterfly.  Their caterpillars only eat the
leaves of a hackberry tree, which here is related to the 
elm. I really do not see these often so I do not believe we
have many hackberry trees in the area. They are beautiful
in a subtle way with their more brown like wings and only
about 3 inch winch span.

One more for the road. A peacock at a lovely garden I
visit once a year about 40 miles north of home.I had
ridden my bike the 40 miles, all on Rail Trail. And
had a great time seeing the plants and flowers. He was 
very interested in my walnuts that I had for a snack.
However, it did not peck me and I didn't feed it.

"Well, Lynn, that wasn't your usually scary wildlife.
I'd love to taste some peacock for supper and chase
the butterfly if I could. 
Good thing you did not touch that outdoor cat. I really
would have given your hand a once over and a bite!"


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Precious let me tell you..Peacock tastes pretty good..
More flavorful than chicken and tender and has a sweetness
to it...
The green peacock is protected at national level and is
not edible...
The blue peacock, on the other hand, can be bred in
captivity and is legal to eat...
Peacock meat is expensive.. can eat the peahens eggs..they are creamier
than a chickens eggs..!

So, l don't think Mum will find any in a supermarket..
But! Tell her to keep looking..just for you..! :).

Julie said...

Precious is such a funny wee thing with her little habits Lynn. Its strange to think of you with your winter temps - I have just been out to my sleepout & bought my big fan inside as its starting to get really hot here now & the garden is very dry & needs watering.

John Bellen said...

Quite a variety of wildlife you see on your travels. I smiled at Precious smelling your hand. My Renn has to smell mine - or anyone's - before he is petted, otherwise he will shy away.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...