Monday, November 9, 2020

Nuts for the nutty

"Lookie, Lynn. Chippie is here! Let me at 'em!"

It's the time of year when the leaves are off the trees
and the walnuts and acorns are everywhere in the yard.
This is the time of year Precious is willing to stay awake
during the day and watch the patio for hours.  I gather up
a few acorns and put on the patio on purpose to get the
chipmunks to spend a bit of time close up. Otherwise,
they are constantly just running by with their heads full
of acorns. So funny to see their cheeks puffed out.

Then they get full and just sit and preen for the
longest time, not a care in the world. 

And there is the yard full of squirrels! Oh my. They are
getting walnuts and acorns, and burying them as fast as 
they pick them up.

And this is the only time I can call Precious out of  her
nap time and she'll answer to a word other than "chickie"
(my word for dinner time).
I just use an urgent whisper of  "Precious, chippie,
squirrellie, birdie" and I hear the loud thump of her getting
down from her bunk bed way down the hall to come out.
She is so funny to see, as she comes into the kitchen at a fast
paced crouch as a wild cat on the hunt.

"Well gosh Lynn, any respectable cat worth her
weight in acorns would come running to catch
this thief.:



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

The chipmunks are are lovely Precious..
And..they don't seem frightened of you
staring at them through the window! :).
I think l could sit and watch them to...! ;).

Henny Penny said...

I wish we had chipmunks here. They are so cute. Precious reminds me of Smokey sitting there at the door. He really is "Precious".

John Bellen said...

What a great view Precious has of these little diversions. My cats, too, will sometimes come running in a crouch, ready for the pounce - even if they know a glass door is between them and their quarry.

John Bellen said...

Oh, and a good idea, scattering the acorns right in front of the window...

Julie said...

That is amazing for me to see Lynn. We don't have chipmunks anywhere here in New Zealand - you have some amazing wildlife there. Precious is so sweet & funny.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...