Saturday, November 21, 2020

Night time visitor

"Lynn, I hear someone at the door!  

So here it is at bedtime, when the lights are off and
I'm ready to call it a night.  Then Precious goes for
the front door like a streak of lightening. These photos
are taken with my camera flash, as the inside was dark.

This is Blackie, as I call him.  He lives down the road
and frequents here for making trouble, drinking bird bath
water, and eating Precious's catnip. That is why he is at the
front door, where the nippy is. Protected by a metal hardware
cloth screen and 2 two foot metal posts.  He gets all that grows
through and drips down over.

He's a very handsome fellow. Along the lines of a
pure black Maine Coon and about 6 years old. 
These 2 hiss and spit at each other, but seem to enjoy
doing it for as long as I keep the door open.  It was
cold this particular night, and I only let them visit for
5 or 6 minutes.  I am sure Precious spent a lot of
time looking out the window after I went to bed.

"And Lynn, you thought I didn't have good
ears! I heard him chewing my nippy through 2 doors.
He better have left me some."



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

When l first saw the pics l thought they
were a reflection of you Precious...
Nice to have someone to talk to before
going to bed..and l'm sure he's left you some
catnippy...! :o).

Gidget Blue Sky said...

yoo tell em precious

Julie said...

Oh My!!! Just as well we have distance between us Lynn ... or I would've thought that was my Blackie there at your door!!!!

John Bellen said...

An intruder-cat! That usually triggers the territorial instinct in even the most laid-back of cats.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...