Thursday, October 15, 2020

"Lynn, that heathen could have cooties! Don't let it

get all over you, I'll never forgive you if you smell like it."

I normally start my bike rides from the same parking lot,
9 times out of 10. It is within spittin' distance of a grain
elevator and I am hoping this handsome devil lives there.
I have never seen him in the entire bike season until just
one day not long ago. He is a huge kitty, and very very
friendly and loud!

He never stopped talking the whole time I stood there.
I did lean over the bike and pet him a bit, but I didn't want
him to try to follow me too far down the path, away from 
where I hoped he lived. 

He certainly was not afraid of the bike or me. I do see
a few regular cats on my ride. Some I know they live at
a farm house close by, and others I know are feral as they
are miles from anywhere civilized.
I'm sorry to say, this was one of my last rides this year.
I am a fair weather rider. I'm retired, I live too far from
town to bike for groceries, and like one fellow I read,
I don't have to bike to work! But, boy am I going to
miss this.

Always glad to come home to my girl, Precious, even
though she can be aloof and hidden. I got this shot
just as she slipped under the bed.

" That's it. You seen the very last (tip) of me until you say you're sorry
 for taking pictures of
  that, that, that CAT!"



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! Now! Now! Precious..
Your not the only pussy~cat on the
planet..! :).

John Bellen said...

Cat-people can't resist even strange cats, Precious. I hope that orange fellow had a home and plenty to eat...

Timmy Tomcat said...

You have to fur-give precious and then maybe there will be extra pets and treats

A Joyful Cottage said...

Haha! Love the black tail peeking out from under the bed! Great photo, and cute post. Enjoy the season!

Pink Rose said...

Hi Lynn lol what a great post,hope Precious has forgiven you ,lol love it ,hope you have a lovely day Lynn and Precious xx

Jean | said...

Sweet post, Lynn! I love cats, so ... AND red tabbies are my favorite, so I could not have resisted your loud friend! I see you've been blogging for a year this month. Happy blogiversary!

Katie Isabella said...

But Precious....she can LOOK can't she? She's not bringing him home and I as a Tuxie declare that he IS a handsome mancat! Let's us ask him to go out with the two of us for cream and nipcake?

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...