Friday, October 23, 2020

Annual Doctor Visit

"Lynn, did you see what that lady doctor said about

little ol' me! I refuse to ever meow to her again."

Oh dear, poor Precious had her annual check-up recently.
There were some good things, like I could go into the building,
I even got into an exam room (no longer used for the exam, just
a private waiting room). And Precious was whisked away from 
me, her head buried in her cat carrier towel, held tight with
her diamond-honed claws. Later, Precious confided she only
did this to stay covid safe, not out of fear.

She was only gone for 15 minutes while the vet examined her
in the mysterious back room, (like in old scary movies). Then
the vet tech brought Precious back to me, and told me to look for
the email of the report. And that all looked just fine for now.

Well, by the time I got the girl home, she never let me out of
her sight for the rest of the day! I figured she'd hide out 
immediately. Any way, I found the email had been sent out

 All necessary items looked fine, the usual things the dr. tries to
discuss in person. Ears, eyes, teeth, tummy palpitations, etc. Then
I saw the word we never say, OBESE.  Oh my, we know our girl
is chubby, but in person the words used are easier to hear. Over
weight, body fat accumulation,weight gain,
 but never the O word. Of course,
I've never actually seen the medical report before.

Well, Precious weighed in at 16 1/2 pounds, and this time last
year she was 17.1 pounds. So I feel that the food I put her on,
when the expensive prescription food made her gain, is paying 
off.  They recommend she weigh 12 pounds, She hasn't been that
low since she was 4 years old, and she is now going to be 
9 in this fall.  Like I have not been concerned and
discussed this every time we see the doctor. Oh, well.

"If I hadn't been hanging onto my "mask", I would have
used my claws on that woman, Lynn. Now they'll start
calling me fatso!"



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

So pleased all was finally o.k. Precious..
But! l was surprised that the vet told Mum
to look on line for an e~mail..strange! :(
What was wrong with actually speaking to Mum,
and telling her face to face how you were..!

John Bellen said...

Well, I wouldn't have used that word, either - though 16.5 is a bit over 12... But she is headed in the right direction, and I don't think she needs to hurry about it. (And I think, according to the final photograph, that Precious, er, spreads, well.)

Timmy Tomcat said...

Precious dont you worry a bit about what that tech said. Some kitties have, well, big bones. Yeah, big bones. Lots of us start to lose once we pass 10 or 11 so sometimes it is good to have a little extra. Purrs

Julie said...

Hello Lynn & Precious. I am just playing Catch up on my blog reading since my return from my Mums. You are not obese at all dear Precious - you are just fluffy. Does that silly vet not know the difference!!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...