Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I often wonder what kind of life Precious had the first year of her life.  I know
someone must have seen the best in her to give her such a fitting name.  One name used
often since I quickly found out that she answers to it.  But I also realize that there are
issues Precious has.
She hates to be picked up, and once I do and she is on my legs, she
appears to be content as she quickly falls asleep.  Just don't let me
try to carry her for any length of time! And she hides from every
odd sound made in the house. I mean, runs and really hides for
hours.  Then there is her crooked left hind leg.  Now how was
that broken?  The 2 different vets we have used in 7 years both
agrees it is from a fracture not properly taken care of when she was
younger.  And eating, oh yes, she loves her food.  But she does not
want to eat out of a bowl.  The first year I did just let her eat off a 
plastic place mat.  But I finally found a plastic tan color picnic plate
that I insisted she use.  I have finally gotten her a small very short
sided dish and she eats from it, but would rather have her food on the
floor.  Did someone just throw her food down?  No care given to any
cleanliness for Precious or themselves?  And Precious really does 
not like my husband except at 6 AM when it is time for the rest of
her breakfast.  Once again she runs and hides when he gets up and 
moves about if she is not actually prepared for the movement.  Not
me though, she seems to like being with me and sometimes I wonder
just what she is trying to tell me with that look of hers.


Julie said...

Yes we do wonder about their earlier lives when they have come to us from somewhere else. My two were both rescue cats & had rough starts to their lives. I am guessing perhaps dear little Precious was badly treated by a male ? We have to be thankful they have lovely lives with us now Lynn.

John Bellen said...

It sounds like Precious may have been abused, probably by a man, if she doesn't like your husband. It can hardly be his fault. Yes, the lives of our pets before they became our pets are often mysteries to us. Sometimes, it's best we don't know...

Henny Penny said...

It is sad to think about how these precious animals were treated before we rescued them. Our Dumperoo and Smokey were rescues and so was Bickett. Bickett died about a year ago. He was 13. I picked him up from the middle of a highway intersection when he was just a tiny kitten. He had lots of problems but I loved him so much and miss him every day. So glad you have Precious.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn,
Yes, kitties that have been abused and abandoned carry that with them forever. We never had any older kitty come into our home. One, Pieter found as a kitten in our raspberry patch, with a scar on her nose. She hid under the cover of the pump for watering... Pieter picked her up and carried her home, across the creek and we cared for her. Sadly she got killed by a car when crossing the road for visiting her BEST friend a Dachshund girl! She was not even two years... No wounds but dead.
Then we picked up one from the Humane Society, so he was a kitten and a lovable one. Sadly he died at age 3.5 with heartworm disease. Our then vet had given the wrong meds that protected against flees and ticks but NOT heartworms. Needless to say we switched vet and I have since then always ordere it on line via PetCareChoice.com and that has saved us also quite some $$$.
We got this Humane Society kitty a little brother and you never have seen such a close bond. He cared for him like a kitty–mom.
Needless to say that the little brother was heartbroken when he suddenly died of heartworm and he hid for three months out in the yard. Coming only for breakfast and supper but nothing more. This was in spring time so he could manage. Yes, kities do grief!
Meanwhile we'd rescued a svelte girl from Acapulco and brought her back on the plane with us. Little did we know that she was pregnant! Yep, we got five babies, born her in our home and I assisted her. That is so unique. Pieter said, which ones do you keep?! I said: Which ones?! ALL of them of course, you can't say: You stay—you go... I never could do that.
Then some evil person dropped a sick older kitty off on our driveway I guess. He hid in the huge Magnolia Namnetense and he sporadicly came inside through the cat door to search if there was any food left in the 7 bowls... We paid right away some $ 500 to our vet as we worried about all others. But he never got real healthy and we had already spent lots more on him to no help. Finally we had to put him to sleep as he was miserable. Poor thing and we wonder what happened with him! He too was scared of male having anything in their hand! So they probably beat him or whatever.
Our svelte Mama cat got kidnapped and I did grief about her not being with us to the point that I became almost completely paralyzed. We had driven to North Carolina, in the snow, the days before going to the hospital. To check out a Humane Society that had a look–alike. Driving some 6 hours and it turned out that was only a kitten—so it could not be our missing Mama cat. But Pieter said, shall we take her home, so we did not come that far in vain... She is still with us and was at the Animal Clinic for a weekend due to showing some kidney problems. She is following in my footsteps and yes, animals can get the same health issues as humans.
WISH they could talk and tell their story. They sure try hard to let us know what is bothering them but we would love to understand them fully!
There are countries where cats are just left on their own—so sad!
But also here there are horror stories and Humane Societies are filled with them.
Glad Precious found a home for love and shelter!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...