"Oh meow me! I gotta gift furom the wonderful Brody, packed and sent by his mom."
"The gift was mailed furom Massachusetts when Brody
had snow. We had 1/2 inch of kibble size hail covered
by fureezing rain."
"Evidently the postal truck hit ice patch and just slid through Ohio
and landed in Indianapolis. That's 230 miles past me."
"Now the Indy post office nevfur heard of Ohio territory.
Founded in 1783!
So they took days to find us on Dan'l Boones' map. Then they
loaded the gift on Number Seven, Mad Jack's mule
furom Grizzly Adams. They plodded to us finally."
I am a teenager, she's not sure if I should date."
Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.
Nice that the PO worked extra hard to get your present to you, Precious!
That is a lot of deer!!
Finally all sorted Precious...I think it'll be o.k.
to date, by post would be nice...no need for
Mum to worry...! :).
Lovely to see the deer in the snow...and twenty,
that's a lot of deer...wonder what they think of the
snow.......bit cold for them to...Bless!
🌱💛🌱💛🌱💛🌱💛🌱 💛🌱💛
Precious, the present was worth all of the delays, as you appear to be VERY appreciative of the nip toy. 😸
Twenty deer is a lot! They really are so sweet looking. What a joy to see them.
Take care and have a good week. I hope there's a warm up for us all soon!
Precious and Lynn this post made me giggle so hard I almost fell out of my chair. What the heck was going on with the crazy mail flying past OhiO straight into Indiana? Lynn and I remember it took 9 weeks for mail to reach Jackie in the UK. Maybe Jackie's mail went to Timbuktu via Jack the mule.
Precious your Brody is an attentive and handsome beau and thoughtful
Hugs Cecilia
PS your photos are lovely
Hugs cecilia
We have to give the US Mail props, since they seem to do a great job most of the time, under some pretty awful circumstances.
precious ewe R never two old young ore any wear inn bee tween ta N joy sum roe mantz💝 itz pawsum brody sended ewe sum heartz day oh lovez giftz and trust me when eye say, me and de gurl TOTAL LEE get yur par sell dee lay..🙀🙀🙀🙀 N stay way frum thoz deer…they bee vishuz 😾😾 happee week end 💙💚😺‼️🐟🐟
How wonderful that Brody send you presents, that's so sweet!
So sweet of Brody to send gifts, even though it was delayed! We believe Pony Express was more efficient than USPS. 😹 Kit, Kat, Rocky & Cali
Oh you lucky girl dear Precious, getting gifts in the mail, Goodness me, your mail service sounds like New Zealand Post - takes the long way round for sure!! I think you are old enough to date but it might have to be long distance dating!! I shall show The Mr the photos of the deer - he will be so envious., I wish you some warm weather soon - we are getting cooler mornings but then the heat kicks in by about 10.
I do not know when I will be blogging again as our "dinosaur" (No not Blackie but the computer) has finally given up & a new one is at least 2 weeks away. But I shall keep checking in with you, x0x
Brody is a keeper, Precious!
Too funny! What a sweet gift. I'm so glad it finally got to you.
That is a lot of deer. Brody wishes he could have delivered it himself- he is sorry it traveled so far past you. XO
Those are very thoughtful gifts from Brody. It is a pity that the post took so long to deliver them. He is handsome and I am sure would be very happy if you agree to date.
We have a herd of local wild deer. There are 60+ in it but I have never seen them all at the same time. They must have spent time in the hospital grounds this week. When we went on Wednesday the car park was completely covered in deer droppings, and we had to be very careful where we stepped.
Oh Precious, we did laugh, especially at Dan'l Boones' map and Grizzly Adams, but the good news is it finally arrived and how utterly furbulous mew recieved such a pawesome and epic Valentine's gift from Brody, we love it! 🐾🐾😻🐾🐾
Chaplin: "That is some great loot, Precious, even if it did have to go around Robin Hood's barn to reach you!"
Java Bean: "Ayyy, what are those deer things? Do they need to be barked at? I feel like they need to be barked at ..."
That's a long detour for your gift to come, Precious, but a generous gift like that is always on time.
I'm glad to see you finally got the package and hope you will be his Valentine. You can be long distance sweethearts and just enjoy letters and cards and gifts.
Better late than neffur - a Gift is a Gift is a Gift, after all!
How sweet the dear deer are!
Oh Precious! What a wonderful gift from Brody and his Mom Ms Ellen! We are so happy that the mule #7 made it through to your house and we hope that you gifted him a carrot! And Darling we have deer too! Do you think that yours are related to ours? Thanks for stopping by and yes, I LOVED the bacon part of the cookies...peanut butter is not my thing. Keep being Awesome, your gal pal, Jo Jo
Awww, what a darling treat you got from Brody, Precious. So sweet. We'll hold our comments on the mail thing.
That is a very determined Valentine's gift, my goodness! Love how you narrated the story - so fun. Happy Belated Valentine's to you and Precious!
Precious, what a loving gift from Brody! You two will be Valentine's always and forever! xx And mom here loved the adventure of the mail till it got to you! You sure mad mom's and my day with that!
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