Friday, October 11, 2024

We interrupt with breaking skwierl news

 "Lynn, come quick!  We got furs outside and I need to git out there to help."

"This one breached the catio fence and clumb
up the screen."

"There's a tuxie cat outside the fence.  Lookie see."

"I've seen this fellow afore."

"Lynn git this skwierl offa the door!  He's barking like crazy.
And I think the tuxie is takin' off without takin' the skwierl with him."

Sometimes we have drama here better than cable TV.
The grey squirrel hung for about 10 minutes after the cat left.
I wanted him to calm down before I tried opening the door.
His hind foot was on the screen and his front were holding
onto the porch light.  The second he heard the latch, he
threw himself off and over the 3 foot tall fence in
one fell swoop.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


jabblog said...

Much more interesting than television. Squirrels must have nerves of steel!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is serious drama! We hope you'll let us know how it all panned out.

The Chans

ZOOLATRY said...

Your own private zoo in the Land of Precious!

Kea said...

Oh, that definitely was far more interesting than TV offerings! Precious, you sure do have a lot of critter drama! And apparently no squirrels were harmed in the making of this post! 😆

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Goodness! Me! Precious...10 minutes of pure you did'nt know which way to
run...and the squirrel may have been looking
for it's Mum...and seeing you Precious, and
being grey..may have thought...'is that 'my'
Mum...? HeHe! Bless! Have a great weekend..!x

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Precious,
You certainly get Lynn's attention for all the critter drama on your property.
Great images and almost hilarious.
Mariette + Kitties

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious…ewe noe squirrel iz vizshuz…him coulda got in de houz
and helped hiz self ta YUR foodz. prob a blee tux waz givin chaze
and mizzed his chanze at a snax…what cha think? wavez two ewe tux frum
de land oh trout‼️🐿 may bee next time, N precious heerz two a grate week
a head for ewe all 🐟💙💚😺

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those crazy squirrels can be pretty entertaining to watch sweet Precious!

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious OMCs what a cheeky dare devil of a squirrel jumped security on to your window shaking his fury tail furs in your face...then to add insult to injury a cat in YOUR yard.
Glory be I hope your weekend is less stressful

Lynn this was such a fun post, I giggled
Hugs Cecilia

The Florida Furkids said...


Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh my cod purreshush!!! dat iz berry exciting stuffz!!!

We interrupt with breaking skwierl news

  "Lynn, come quick!  We got furs outside and I need to git out there to help." "This one breached the catio fence and clumb ...