Friday, October 18, 2024

Yaking up hairballs

 "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many."

"I've been makin' Lynn give me brushies 3
times a day, too.  My grey onesie is just sheddin'
more fur this summer."

"I have been leaving these hairballs anywhere I feel.
They have been on the patio, which Lynn says was 
the easiest fur cleanin' up. I put one on my pink rug
and the man who rubs my belly washed it fur me.
 Then there is the kitchen flooring.
 so she can just pick up and swipe with a wet cloth.
But the funniest is one day when she was watchin'
TV furom our chair. She did not hear me 'cause she was
watchin' Marshal Dillon. I upchucked on my beautiful.
and thankfully washable,  turquoise blankie that was a gift.
She did not hear me and when she put her bare feets down,
she stepped right in it!  I ran away, but purred a big laugh."

Well, Precious I can say I was in a predicament to get up
after I had messy feet.  I had to wipe them off on the
lovely blankie and then clean and wash it .  I will watch
where I step from now on.  

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Precious! We humans give you pussy~cats all
the love and food in the world, and as gifts you
give us...Hairballs..HeHe! Bless! :)x
Wonder how many it would take to fill a cushion...
In the meantime...keep these handy....
🧻 🧻 🧻 🧻 🧻 🧻 🧻 πŸ§» 🧻 🧻 🧻🧻 🧻 🧻

jabblog said...

Ah, Precious, you are a mischief. It's not nice for human bare feet to step in your hackings. Yuck! 😺😸😹

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
Well, I am dealing with three like that.
It is the aging of our sweet kitties that changes their digestive system and also affects their kidneys. They drink a lot of water and I keep four water bowls. one outside and one in the laundry room, one in the living room and one in 'their' bathroom area.
It is because we love them but mopping up such food–returns, even at times their treats... is easy with all tiles and solid oak planks. Except when it is on the bed... that means a quick removal of the duvet cover and laundering it.
But by using their soft blankies, they serve like a bib for babies.
Our Tiggy Tiger is shedding so much fur all of a sudden... must be age and condition related. Of course they have been under stress and trauma from the loss of their Papi—it all adds up.
Poor things in the wild that have nobody to care for them, nor for giving them some food a while later... they must go hunt for it themself—sick or not.
Mariette + Kitties

Eastside Cats said...

Keep that stuff on the inside...

Kea said...

Ah, Precious, job well done! Lol! But I don't think Lynn would agree! πŸ˜†

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious ‼️984 pawz UP for placin a hair ball were ewe noe lynn wood stepz
on it….that takez a lot oh pree cise thinkin…grate jobπŸ˜ΊπŸ’™ de gurl used ta uze a bruzh on de furz oh de trouterz called zoom groom… may.bee that wood help ewe? her uzez a flea comb on me tho sew it getz me under coat. ewe bee lookin gorgeouz sew keep up with de pawsum groomin skillz πŸŒΈπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ˜Ί‼️

Brian's Home Blog said...

You could do a TV commercial for a Big Yak Attack! It sure happens lots here too sweet Precious.

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious everybuddy has to be good at summin' and it sounds like the gifts you left were works of CatAdayART...Now as for Lynn stepping in them you must be sure to always gift her off of her walking path.
Your aqua blankie is very pretty
Hugs cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

My mommy has learned to be VERY cautious when she gets up each morning She has stepped in my horked up food too many times! Several times, there were what Mom calls hang fires that fell off my bloomers after I got out of the box. And yes, he stopped right on that secret times in the dark. You and I need to trade tips!

pilch92 said...

Sorry you have been yacking a lot. I feel bad for your mom stepping in it. I have done that more than once in the morning. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I can beat that story! I once sat on the couch after it had been puked on, and I was wearing shorts at the time! Never jumped up so fast in my life MOL!!!

John Bellen said...

Stepping on a hairball is straight out of a tv comedy, Precious - and yet it happens!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "If we had a dollar for every time Mama or Dada stepped on one of our hairballs, we would have ..." *checks notes* "... at least a five-spot."

messymimi said...

It's funny how cats have the instinct to bury their mess but not their barf.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

The other night, #1 in her sleep heard the telltale sounds of a major hairball production event, but she couldn't be bothered to get up. Staff is just not what it used to be!

The Chans

Smudge said...

Ahhh, hairballs. Part of living with us cats. We have to deal with you oddball humans, so it's a small price to pay.

The J-Cats said...

Trixie is the only one of Us that horks up hairballs. But Caspurr almost invariably brings up his breakfast - has done so for years - and Shimshi tries to eat the regurgitated food, as if he were a Birdie!!! Go figure!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Yup, I did one of those the other day. Quite took Mrs H by surprise! Keeps the humans on their toes, I say. Hopefully all yours were change of coat based and nothing else that might make them take you to the VET!
Stay well, and, hair balls permitting, see you next week!

Marvelous Marv said...

Precious! Jo Jo here. You have ingenuity in choosing your hairball locations! Most often we hork from the food table and it lands on the floor around it! Mr Kozmo, liked the mat in the hallway (moved to Alex's room as Mom is using a walker and can only use one leg). Angel Queen Nellie used to use Mom's slippers! Mom hated that but it never stopped the Cat From Hell! Keep up the good work Precious! Your Bestest Grrl Furrend Jo Jo (and Marvelous Marv, Kozmo and Nutmeg)

CCL Wendy said...

I'm thinking the heat this summer might have caused more furballs cuz Dani's had more, too. She's not as silent as you, though. Your story about your Mom stepping in one is a good laugh. She could have stepped in something far worse, if you get my drift.

Reading time

  "Lynn and I are reading a good mystery book together." "She tells me this is number 16 of one of her furavorite writers. I ...