Friday, September 13, 2024

Up up and away, for we can fly, we can fly

 "Lynn,  I guess they were not too much trouble.  I don't see any claw marks on you or the net."

"They did chew loud when I was tryin' to sleep at
night.  But they do look small and pretty now."

The above is a chrysalis that is showing dark
wings ready to hatch.


I put the goldenrod in for the butterfly to
have something to grab on to.  She flew
away in just 5 hours.

Second butterfly on the next day.  After this
they started hatching 2 and 3 a day.

I did have to find food for what ended up as
eleven catapillars.   I knew I was not finding all
the eggs laid, and as the cats inside got bigger,
I kept checking my plants outside.  I was fortunate
to find 4 more and I brought them in.

In all they were in the house from eggs to flying
about 6 weeks.  I forgot to keep track of time.
Only 3 or 4 years ago,  we would have so many caterpillars
on the milkweed in my flower bed, that the house was 
festooned in chrysalis.  And it has gotten less every year.

"It's nice to have my house back without company.
Never invite someone here fur meals agin, Lynn"

Thank you for stopping by for visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Dining out

"Why do you git to dine out while I lay here starving all day long?"

"I know, I know.  You went on another trip of some sort.
You just never think on how this affects my daily

I had been out on a different bike path where I drive
15 miles to get to the beginning of it.

When the trip was over and I was driving through this
tiny village, I saw that the home town diner was
open 'til 2:30.

I had never stopped in before but was definitely
hungry as I forgot to pack my lunch.
These photos show just some of the fun things 
on the walls.  There is probably seating for 30
people, tops.  They serve breakfast from 7 until
2:30 and offer some lunch options. I got a 
ham steak dinner that was way too good and way too 
much to eat for a very reasonable price.  Then
homeward to Precious.

"I had to eat fast when you dipped it up.  I was afraid you
were goin' to go out again, or something."

"Mackerull,  lookie here.  Lynn found turkey burds on
the bike path!"

It is unusual for me to see turkey on the path but
once or twice a year I luck out.  This was a hen
and one 1/2 grown poult.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Up up and away, for we can fly, we can fly

  "Lynn,  I guess they were not too much trouble.  I don't see any claw marks on you or the net." "They did chew loud whe...