Friday, August 30, 2024

Holy Cow, she's raisin' cats!

"Lynn, I absolutely put my paw down.  I've been here 11 years and I am not goin' to put up with you raisin' Cats!" 

"I absolutely put my paw down at you havin' cats
in my house."

I finally saw a Monarch lay eggs on the milkweed and
I brought in leaves with 8 eggs.  7 hatched. 
I have a bad feeling Monarchs had a bad winter or
worse Summer flying through so many hurricanes to
get north.

"I do not care if they are purebred Monarch
Cat-A-Pillars.  I do not want cats.  And folks,
Lynn even Amazoned a special net box to
grow these things in.  Wait until they have claws!"

"I say git 'em outa here!
I'm walkin' away furom this mess of cats."

They are ravenous.  I have to drive to cut plants to feed them.
I am very selective so I do not cut ones blooming, gone to seed
or have cats already.  However, sometimes I end up with an
egg or two and then have MORE to feed!

They should be flying away next week.

The above butterfly is a Painted Lady, much smaller than a 
Monarch.  On one of my 9 pink sedum plants. Also loaded
with honey bees.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Was that a Rocketchip?

 "Lynn, what in the flyin' bat world was that noise?!"

It was a crop duster.  I saw the pilot  and  I waved at him.
We live in a very rural county with low population and lots
of crop fields.  So when it is time to spray the fields about
1/4 mile from here it is quite noisy for hours.
Some people frown on pesticides and I can not say
they are the answer to everything, but I am not the 
farmer who must try to make a meager living at
great expense.  Can you even imagine what it costs
to hire the plane?
Anyway,  the pilot was making U turns directly over 
the house.  Sometimes they are close but not overhead.

Here is another color of rose of Sharon I have.  They are
shrubs and not really roses.  Mine are maybe 8 feet tall and I have
3 of this color.  The Japanese beetles are over for the year.
And the cicadas are now singing.
 Precious and I were on the patio extra early and it
is dark in the morns now. Makes for
great moth catching.

"Don't furgit that Mackerull over at 
da tabbies o trout towne said you could
bag and tag those durn blasted beetles."

I know Precious and I will see about buying
the beetle catching bags soon as I find them.
Getting late enough in summer a lot of useful
yard items are off the shelf already.

"Early burd gits the beetle, Lynn."

The above red hibiscus are not mine.  But I wish they were.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
it is much appreciated.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Precious Artified by the August Zoo

 "Lynn, lookie what Miss Ann and June sent to me!"

"They invited me to the August Zoo days and made
me an oil paintin'."

Yes, they certainly did Precious.  You are Little Miss Muffet
sitting on her Tuffet in one corner.
And a very Rubenesque oil painting in the other.

"And just what are you meanin' about the Rubenesque
remark, Lynn?"

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Giant wild cat and rooster

 "Lynn, what the heck are those giant critters!  One looks a lot like

Katie Isabella only way too tall.  And the blue rooster!  Not

exactly our blue jay birdies."

Precious, these are just simple yard art animals.  I saw them
as I was biking further north one day.  They were over seeing
the road crossing in town.  Again, these are photos prior to

"I do not see anything simple about something so big it
must belong to Jack and the Bean Stalk monster man."

"I think it would be furry difficult to give that 
cat any brushies or make it a cat bed to sleep in."

"Someone got it right when they made this blankie.  But what's
it doin' up on a library wall?  It should be covered in real
cat furs."

I know Precious, it is beautiful wall art in one of our branches.
I enjoyed seeing it and knew I had to get home to my 
grey girl right away.


"Well, git on with the brushies and then the food.
I've waited around long enough."

I am feeling so much better after nearly 3 weeks of covid.
I can taste a little of a little but not smelling much.
I even took a couple short 8 and 13 mile bike rides.
They were difficult mostly due to the extreme heat
humidity even at 8 AM.  I even got out
my crochet hook after a nudge from Miss Ellen.
Again, thank you for
your good wishes.  Please do not get this.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Not a Jumper

 "Lynn wanted me to let any of you interested parties know that I am no longer a high jumper.  I love my catio sometimes and really have never shown the slightest interest in jumping over the fence."

"I do jump up on the high chair in the kitchen to git on top of 
the island. I love to sit there with Lynn and have a tea party
and some of her scrambled eggs."

"I also jump up onto the bed at night (only rarely)
and also onto the dressing stool in the closet so I
can climb my way up to the tip top of the clothes
shelves and sleep."

"And I am an expurrt at jumpin' down. And then
there's the matter of Lynn keepin' her eyes on me.
She has forward eyes, back of her head eyes,
crossed eyes and best of all her wall eyes.
I guess I am just that pretty."

Precious, you are a bit calmer in your tween year. 
Soon you will be a teenager.  I do keep an eye on you
as I certainly could not catch you if you went running.
You might not jump high but your speed is far
greater than mine. 

Thank you for all the kind good wishes on this covid I have
managed to finally get after 4 years of avoidance.  It has been
a bad experience and the simple thing I miss is taste and smell.
They are gone for now.  The fever lasts on and on. It's been
16 days now.
My husband brought this home, but he was over the whole
mess in just 5 days.  

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...