Friday, August 23, 2024

Was that a Rocketchip?

 "Lynn, what in the flyin' bat world was that noise?!"

It was a crop duster.  I saw the pilot  and  I waved at him.
We live in a very rural county with low population and lots
of crop fields.  So when it is time to spray the fields about
1/4 mile from here it is quite noisy for hours.
Some people frown on pesticides and I can not say
they are the answer to everything, but I am not the 
farmer who must try to make a meager living at
great expense.  Can you even imagine what it costs
to hire the plane?
Anyway,  the pilot was making U turns directly over 
the house.  Sometimes they are close but not overhead.

Here is another color of rose of Sharon I have.  They are
shrubs and not really roses.  Mine are maybe 8 feet tall and I have
3 of this color.  The Japanese beetles are over for the year.
And the cicadas are now singing.
 Precious and I were on the patio extra early and it
is dark in the morns now. Makes for
great moth catching.

"Don't furgit that Mackerull over at 
da tabbies o trout towne said you could
bag and tag those durn blasted beetles."

I know Precious and I will see about buying
the beetle catching bags soon as I find them.
Getting late enough in summer a lot of useful
yard items are off the shelf already.

"Early burd gits the beetle, Lynn."

The above red hibiscus are not mine.  But I wish they were.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
it is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Mind you...a lot of the pesticides they use to~day
are fairly safe, there are strict rules etc..over here
for the use of them, and so there should be...!
Things should be left to grow in it's natural habitat..!

The Rose of Sharon looks a lovely flower....and it's
a nice shade of pink...And l should know...HeHe! :).

We've had a couple days of rain and winds, though
not as bad as the North and Midlands, the weekend,
will be much the same...
Monday is a 'Bank' holiday, sort of a one day holiday,
so most places will be closed, except for cafes, rest,
etc....Motor~ways, roads etc will be blocked...Me..?
I'll be home alone..HeHe! Lunch on the patio with my
mate Fudge...Bless!x
♫♪•*¨*•.¸πŸ”₯πŸ’›πŸ”₯¸.•*¨*•♪♫ ♫♪•*¨*•.¸πŸ”₯πŸ’›πŸ”₯¸.•*¨*•♪♫

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The crops around here are sprayed using huge sprayers on the back of tractors. We don't spray anything on our fields. Plants like ragwort are pulled (wearing gloves of course) and plants like thistles and docks are cut off at ground level so they can't reseed. Because we don't spray we get a lot of birds, bees and butterflies here.
The rose of Sharon is a beautiful colour.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
LOVE that 'talking' face of Precious! She is a smart kitty girl, one can tell.
The Rose of Sharon is stunning and very healthy looking.
We're supposed to have that color as well but it is out on the fence of the wood garden where I now seldom come post accident. Still waiting for that huge fallen oak tree to be removed and taken down completely but it is too soggy. We have had such a wet year...
Sure, we do have the crop dusters here as well, when on our bikes we often saw them, not in the area where we live.
The red hibiscus are so lush!
Mariette + Kitties

jabblog said...

I would hate to earn a living from farming. Everything - farm machinery, fertiliser - is expensive and the returns are not good.
Your rose of Sharon flowers are beautiful and such a lovely colour.

Kea said...

I'm not sure I'd be thrilled with airborne pesticides so close to me, but then, just about everything is toxic to us these days, in one way or another.

The rose of Sharon is lovely, there's a bush on the other side of the walkway adjacent to my unit, only a few steps away. I admire them every time I pass by, heading out (or in).

I hope you've had a break in the temps! I had to turn the heat on briefly a couple of mornings, to take the chill out of the house, and it's WAY too early for that! Back to warmer weather now. 🌞

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious ewe bee lookin my tee gorgeouz thiz week az all wayz N de flowerz bee my tee awesum two 🌸 sorree ewe had ta mizz out on dayz N dayz oh sleep frum de plane noiz..oh, N tell lynn ta chex amazon, de ladee round de korner frum me had ta end up gettin them ther πŸ™€πŸ˜Ί‼️🐟

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such pretty flowers! WOW, I haven't seen a crop dusting plane in a long, long time!

Eastside Cats said...

Too much noise, Precious!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Oh Precious, that sounds dreadful! And mew'll never believe it but we had fighter jet roaring just above BBHQ yesterday for a hour. Pandora nearly pooped herself and Smooch was stomping around the house growling!

My Mind's Eye said...

Lynn anbd Precious WELL SAIDY...AND I AGREE
"Some people frown on pesticides and I can not say
they are the answer to everything, but I am not the
farmer who must try to make a meager living at
great expense." If it isn't insects they are battling mother nature over no rain or not enough rain.
Precious you looking quite gorgeous the Pink Sharon. Hugs to you and Mom

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

They often spray pretty nasty stuff with those dusters. We're glad we don't have any crops around here. Just grass that's made into hay.

The Chans

Julie said...

We get the planes & the helicopters flying over our house too Lynn but the sprays definately do not smell like they used to years ago - I think the rules have changed now & are very strict. They also apply fertiliser which I don;t mind if some drifts over to my property when they are doing this.
Your rose of sharon is just beautiful - I'd not heard of it before seeing it on your blog. It is such a pretty colour. Happy Weekend to you both - rain here today but tomorrow meant to be fine - lawns to mow etc etc. x0x

pilch92 said...

That does sound rural to have a crop duster near you, Our farmer that hays our fields just drives his truck around with something attached to spread the fertilizer. Beautiful blooms, but none as beautiful as you are Precious. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We have F-35 fighter jets training in our area. Completely understand the noise factor!

John Bellen said...

Yes, it's getting dark in the mornings when I ride to work. It doesn't take long for the seasons to start changing again...

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "I would love to go on a moth-catching expedition with you! We only get to catch them when they sneak into the house like suicidal maniacs ..."
Java Bean: "Ayyy, we have a little airport near us, but what's really noisy is the nearby base. I don't know what they shoot there but it is really loud and scares Lulu into hiding under Dada's desk, even though it is all perfectly safe for us."

Katie Isabella said...

I wish with all my heart I could be there to see and experience.

Katie Isabella said...

Gosh, when I lived in Florida the mosquito spraying planes flew cloud of smoke.

CCL Wendy said...

I know that botanical experts could work to modify the genetics of the plant to withstand its weaknesses. It has been done before. This would take government input including the finances to achieve, I imagine. What a stupendous bloom is this Sharon! Thank you for sharin' with us. Beetles be gone.

Smudge said...

All dad got out of this was the line about living in a rural area with low population. Thanks, ladies- that set him off on a rant about missing the NC mountains.

The J-Cats said...

What a lovely garden you have. Such beautiful flowers.
Precious, We hope the cropduster didn't scare you! No, it wouldn't. You are a brave kitty girl!

messymimi said...

I would have wondered what the noise was all about, too.

The flowers are beautiful and Precious, you are a delight. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

those planes would sure bother me!!

CCL Wendy said...

Precious, how lovely that you have those early morning hours to spend with your loving Mother, and Moths, too, of course!

LOULOU said...

Rose of Sharon, how beautiful! And how beautiful you are, Precious!! Your fur looks like sable!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...