Friday, May 17, 2024

Time to move the cat tree

"I haven't been climbing as much as I used to. Not on the tree, just up into the closet.  So let's move the tree Lynn.  After all you do not have to dig it up!"

Precious's tree has sat in front of our smaller north facing
window for our dining table.  She used to love to race up it
and get to the top.  Especially after a trip to the litter box!
But she had not been on it for more than a year I reckon.

I decided when we were home alone that I would move it
and see is she even noticed.  I put those flat slick plastic
furniture movers under it and just slid it right across the
vinyl flooring onto the carpet.  We just have one large open
living area. 

"I'm a smart kitty,  I found it as soon as I awoke fur-om a 
long morning nap and got right on it.  I did go to the top but
it does not give me a view and Lynn did not get her camera out
quick enough."

This cat tree is 30 years old.  We bought it at a cat show
for Peepers and Seney to use.  And boy did they both while
Peepers was still with us.  She always let Seney know that Seney
was just a whipper snapper and would not let her have top self.
This is very well made and heavy.  A vendor made them himself out
of wood for the shelves and heavy carpet cardboard covered in
good quality carpet.  At the time this 6 foot tree was $100 and
I had a hard time convincing my husband to buy it.  Now if
Precious will keep using it we will keep it in front of the living
room window.  If she gives it up soon, I may dismantle it
and decide what is to become of it next.  It is a part of our 
family history now.

"You just can't out think a kitty, Lynn.  Who knows how
long I'll use this now."
It has been an early Spring as predicted by the groundhog
on Feb. 2.  What he forgot to pass on was how much wind
and rain and even tornados would come in this way.
I have been able to ride my bike a couple days a week in
May.  April was mostly a washout.  I even have done two
32 mile rides.  The first one 2 weeks ago actually surprised
myself as I had not been out as much as I wanted and did
not think I would be up to it.  But by myself at my pace
and all was well.  Packed a lunch and enjoyed the day.
Got home early afternoon just in time for Precious 
brunch and lots of brushies.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Those pussy~cat trees look lovely Precious...
But...we know what yo pussy~cats are like,
you soon get fed of things for a while, so
Mum moving it from time to time, might be a
good long as you can look out of a
say different window, keep you amused before
your nap...! :).

And, let's not forget....
Frank Crow patented the first cat tree in 1969,
it was with hopes that this new cat 'furniture'
would “provide a clawing surface of maximum
appeal to a cat”, “provide a climbing structure of
high appeal and good exercising facility”, and
finally “provide a facility for playing, feeding and sleeping”.
So...You use your cat tree Precious, you don't want to
loose it...Bless! Have a great weekend...! :O).
🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️

Smudge said...

Good for you and the bike riding, Lynn, and it's oh so important to take care of the brunch and brushies afterwards! Cool cat tree, but mom and dad would never allow me to climb on something like that. Happy weekend, dear furriends!!

Kea said...

Sometimes just moving kitty things is enough to give them fresh life. As Derry got older, he stopped using the tall cat trees, so I bought him a small one with a nice, round bed. It's only about 3 feet tall. I still have it, and a few others, haven't been able to give them away.

We're warming up here too now, it's nice. Not too hot yet.

Enjoy your lovely bike outings, just take care!

Smooches to Precious. 😻

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious if yur mom N dad buyed ewe say…37 mor treez, then mom wood knot hafta trubullz her self with moovin thiz….one ! hope ya catch a lotta act shun out side de window ‼️😺 a happee week oh end two all 🐟💚💙

Zoolatry said...

A choice is a choice until it is not chosen anymore. June favors "one thing" for awhile: her big tree or little tree, her hammock or her basket. Then suddenly she doesn't go near that "one thing" for weeks on end. I've found it does not matter now if I move it, re-arrange or not. When she makes a new choice, that's that. I've just given up trying to figure it all out ...

jabblog said...

Good girl, Precious. You couldn't think how to get Lynn to move your cat tree so you waited until she noticed you weren't climbing it. A year is quite a long time in a cat's life, but she got the message.
Well done, Lynn, on your bike rides. I bet it was nice to be out again.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, it's location, location, location and I'm glad you are enjoying your tree again sweet Precious! That's a long bike ride!

Eastside Cats said...

It's so true; humans cannot outthink a kitty!

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious you are full of surprises. Our set up was much like yours family, dining and kitchen all one room. We had Madi's Cat tree by the dining room window. We could move it from one side to the other depending on time of year.
Hugs Cecilia

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious,
That is quite a cat tree and it covers as much a kitty–family–tree!
Hoping that Precious will use it again, just like you did the biking.
Wish I was strong enough to get back to biking... Had hoped for biking together soon. Pieter biked last on April 7, he did 10 miles and I bought my new post–accicent bike helmet on April 11. Pieter smiled, it made him happy! And then he went down so fast so no more biking for him as he was on constant oxygen and I had to do it all and lost weight again... Need my strength back as with 97 pounds I'm not able to manage.
Mariette + Kitties

Lynn and Precious said...

Dear Mariette, I was thinking about you when I decided to mention my biking. I am hoping and praying that you will be able to accomplish this this summer. I am so very sorry your beloved husband has had to leave this earth ahead of you. Lynn XX

Julie said...

You do so well with your bike riding Lynn ...I think about exercise but then nothing more gets done. I think the cat tree is wonderful. I could just see Madam Pip sitting on the top shelf & not letting anyone else up there. Or maybe Blackie tipping the whole thing over with his weight. It would probably be a tricky thing to dismantle so its good that Precious is still showing some interest in it.
Happy Weekend to you both - I am off to Alecs birthday party today! Where did those 9 years go to I wonder?? xx

CCL Wendy said...

That is one well-built cat tree! Purrhaps Precious just wanted a new spot for it to change things up. I hope she cooses to use it more regularly when it's looking out the front window. And good for you for getting out there and taking advantage of your bike to have outdoor adventures.

pilch92 said...

Kuddos to you for riding your bike so far and often. Maybe put some catnip on the cat tree to get her more interested in it. Brody sends his love. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Mudpie ALWAYS notices when I've moved something too!

John Bellen said...

Fortunately, all the cat-trees here are well-used. I suppose that will happen with four, five or six cats here much of the time. But Precious is right: who knows how she'll use it. And we've been having rain quite a bit here. That's good; we need it.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "It's like a whole new cat tree once you move it to a new spot."
Chaplin: "That sure does seem like a sturdy cat tree! We had used ours very well so Mama and Dada got us a new one, but they passed the old one along to Dada's cousin who does cat rescue, and the rescue kitties have been climbing all over it!"

messymimi said...

The toys they didn't want yesterday become the must haves of today.

Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

We're the same if anything gets moved at BBHQ, and we must say that your cat tree is quite furbulous, and we love that mew have a new view from its new location! Happy Caturday to mew both, and we hope mew have an epic weekend!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We also still have one very small cat tree that #1 bought over 30 years ago for her first cat. Glad you are enjoying the new location of yours, Precious!

The Chans

The J-Cats said...

Sometimes, moving an old toy or rediscovering one believed lost, is as good as getting a new one. Enjoy your cat tree, Precious.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

A change is as good as a rest, is what they say. That sure is a huge and delightful-looking tree. Maybe it needs to move more often? Or have extra treats placed on it 😉
Have a lovely week, Precious and family.

Katie Isabella said...

Precious! Your mommy came up with a great idea. We kitties are like humans. If we see something in the same old place for years, it becomes invisible. Your mom knew what to do and then, you saw it again!!!

Jean | said...

Wow! Precious has quite a sweet spot to perch! I love that it's so sturdy and stable. Some seem flimsy and I would be worried it would tip over and scare the cat. Sounds like you're having a lovely time, Lynn!

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Moving the location of something can make a big difference to a feline! Have a wonderful week, Precious.

Trip to Dr. Feelbad

  "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to t...