Friday, May 10, 2024

Back out and in the open

 "I wanted to tell y'all that I have stopped poutin' and sulkin'.

Lynn said I needed to clear the air.  Whatev-fur that is.  The air isn't too bad now."

"This is me at 8 AM.  I am still UP fur-om havin'
my breakfast at 5:30 AM!"

"And after my morning nap,  here I am back out
in the open keepin' our chair warm 'til leg time.
I have furgiven the man who rubs my belly fur upsetting
the kitty cart.  We are havin' good mornin's and rubbin's."

Yes, Precious, you just needed to settle back into regular
routine.  And don't forget you are getting your catio back, too.

"I love comin' out here at 5:30 AM.  The moths are
flyin' and it's still a bit dark.  I can't believe it has been
decades in winter-cat-months that I as able to be

Precious is eating breakfast slower as she
prefers to go outside as soon as she can.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

You certainly look as though your enjoying
yourself Precious, especially on that BIG
front room carpet, with all that room to stretch
out in...Then a comfy sofa to sleep in..Who's
a lucky pussy~cat then...! Bless!x

Love the cartoon at the end....HeHe! How true
is that...
And, as l always say..."Dogs have owners, cats
have staff"...How true is that...! :O).
♫♪•*¨*•.¸πŸ”₯πŸ’›πŸ”₯¸.•*¨*•♪♫ ♫♪•*¨*•.¸πŸ”₯πŸ’›πŸ”₯¸.•*¨*•♪♫

Kea said...

Precious, I'm glad to see you out and about during the day and now enjoying your catio! I hope you catch lots of moths, a little extra protein. πŸ˜†

jabblog said...

It's so good to get out in the fresh air and do a bit of nature watching - and even catching, sometimes. It's been a long time for you, Precious, but now you can enjoy the summer.

Smudge said...

Breakfast at 5:30 huh, Precious? Sheesh, me and dad are up at least an hour before that. We have a patio out back here and I think dad's gonna get it so that I can go out there soon. He's gotta seal off the bottoms and make some kind of gate so I can't get out. For now, I've been loving the full-size screen on the front door and sliders. I hope you and Lynn have a fabulous weekend!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Precious,
You certainly will enjoy your catio and hoping it is not raining as it does here. Our kitties cannot go outside... they get bored and very sad.
Mariette + Kitties

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm very glad that your normal has returned sweet Precious and moth hunting sounds like fun.

Eastside Cats said...

You've got the world on a string, Precious.

Zoolatry said...

Hey, why not try for 4:30 am ... then you get an early lunch and early dinner too! Works for me!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

pleez ta N joy sum catio time for me precious…eye get ta go out…
in de garagez…knot much ta see, knot ta men shun eye canna get
de keyz ta take de car fora spin 😼😼‼️πŸŸπŸ’™

CCL Wendy said...

How wonderful to have your outdoor life back, Precious! I see 5:30 a.m. is your prefurred time of day or night. It's a good time to start your day.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "It's good to be back into your routine! I do not like having my routine disrupted. Mama and Dada say it is very, very, very easy to discombobulate me, but I mean, all you need is to have someone standing in the wrong place, and it's chaos. It's the butterfly effect."

My Mind's Eye said...

I adore that cartoon x 10000. So very true...Cats know how to get what they want w/o any effort.
OOOO a catico
That is gonna be fun
Hugs Cecilia

pilch92 said...

Brody is jealous of that catio. :) I am afraid to give our cats one because I know Rusty or Rudy will find a way out. XO

Julie said...

I am pleased that you are settled down again dear Precious - you sure are creatures of habit. Thats wonderful that you are able to go outside earlier now onto your Catio. You will enjoy the fresh air & all those moths!! Wishing you both a wonderful weekend - heavy frosts here this week but sunny days. Our firewood pile is going down fast!!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Enjoy having your catio back!!!

John Bellen said...

Routine is so important to a cat; breaking it can be disastrous. But it seems like Precious is responding to the spring - and to her catio!

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, I sure do know what you mean about routine. I have to have mine. Nothing must happen to break that routine.

messymimi said...

I'm glad things are going better now.

Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

The J-Cats said...

We are sure you would never actually SULK, Precious. But yes, routine is impawtant.

Juno said...

OMD, 5:30!! You're definitely morning birdy! Juno :)

Henny Penny said...

Good to see you again Precious...and Lynn too. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. It is amazing how much you and my Smokey look alike, especially in some of the pictures. Smokey is an early bird too. We usually open the first can of his food around 5:00 am. :) You two would have a time together!

CCL Wendy said...

It's good to know that your anxiety has lessened since going outside again. You do indeed look more relaxed. Take it easy and enjoy!

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...