"Lynn, did you see how big I blew up my grey onesie! I shoulda looked like a panther on my pink rug. That vishus
deer came right up to me and stuck his button buck head over my
catio fence. Then he snorted! And he stomped his front hooves!"
"Lynn, did you see how big I blew up my grey onesie! I shoulda looked like a panther on my pink rug. That vishus
deer came right up to me and stuck his button buck head over my
catio fence. Then he snorted! And he stomped his front hooves!"
"Lynn, I do not think any of this stuff is really my fault. Or that I should have to put up with getting my claws clipped!"
"I haven't been climbing as much as I used to. Not on the tree, just up into the closet. So let's move the tree Lynn. After all you do not have to dig it up!"
"I wanted to tell y'all that I have stopped poutin' and sulkin'.
Lynn said I needed to clear the air. Whatev-fur that is. The air isn't too bad now."
"Lynn, is this what you were doing to be whispurr quiet while I was sleeping off my anxiety? Crocheting me a beddie by."
"Lynn misses seeing trains. They don't have any around our big little city. So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...