Friday, May 31, 2024

Vishus Deers

 "Lynn,  did you see how big I blew up my grey onesie!  I shoulda looked like a panther on my pink rug. That vishus

deer came right up to me and stuck his button buck head over my

catio fence.  Then he snorted!  And he stomped his front hooves!"

"I told him off immediately.  I growled my git-away-furom
me growl.  Like I use on Blackie when he is in
a bad mood."

"And the growl I use fur the mailman, and fur
the delivery hoomans.  It scares them all off evfurr
so quickly.

Yes, Precious you did a fine job on that poor deer.
His mom is now busy thinking on delivering her
next pair of twins and he is just trying to act like
he is a big buck.

On a different subject, has anyone used Zyrtec allergy
pills for their pets?  I had seen by a competent CB person,
who has 6 or more cats, say it is safe to use for cats with
itchy ears and runny noses.  I did research it and am
now giving 1/2 pill a day to Precious.  The vet confirmed
she has allergies and her ears drive her crazy.  I feel so bad
about the itching and the scratching.  
She is doing much less scratching now.  She mostly is 
just twitching her ears now and then.
 The vet wants to use
steroids and I have a personal issue with prednisone so I
really don't want her to have that.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! My goodness Precious...Bit of a vicious tone
this morning, perhaps you should try being nice,
especially to the deer...they probably only want to
say 'Hello'.
HeHe! I'm trying to picture the mailman, running
off down the road, after one of your growls...Bless!x
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jabblog said...

I agree that it is wise to steer clear of steroids. I wish you continued success with the pills. Maybe the effectiveness is cumulative?

Smudge said...

Oh deer, Precious- sorry to hear about your allergy woes and we hope they calm down soon. Try not to scratch too much, and we hope you ladies can have a good weekend.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn and Precious.
Oh my, how you manage to scare off the vishus deer with enlarging yourself by looking like a true panther!
And a far as the Prednisone, our vet also loved to inject it into our Barty and Speckie girl way too much and it didn't cure them from ailments she thought it would. My kidneys are functioning poorly because of having been too long on Prednisone after I was completely paralyzed... Hugs,
Mariette + Kitties

Brian's Home Blog said...

Precious, you sure did a fine job chasing away that vishus deer! Hey, we've not used Zyrtec but our Vet did tell us it was okay to use for kitties.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious knot onlee iz ewe gorgeouz but feerce two…vizshuz deer izza problem heer in fall time, eye am gonna rememburr thiz post and use yur tack tix on em… YEOW‼️πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™ heerz two a grate week a head‼️‼️‼️

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Lynn and Precious.
Precious you are on a roll this morning and I love it
I am thankful you have found a way to control the itches.
I have lots of skin allergies and I know they are not fun at all.
Hugs and Happy Friday

Kea said...

Oh, Precious, look at you! I bet that young buck won't be so quick to encroach on your territory!

I can't offer any opinion on the allergy meds, but I'm glad it's helping. I agree, better that than Prednisolone. (There's a reason to not give Prednisone, but I can't remember the difference between the two.) In any case, that has long term side effects, isn't something you'd want to give (or take yourself!) unless all other options were exhausted.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, at least it wasn't a vicious knid! Those things are something else! Or so I hear."
Lulu: "We have not used Zyrtec here, but we sure hope it helps! Allergies are no fun!"

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You were very brave to scare off that vishus deer, Precious.

pilch92 said...

You are so brave Precious. Far braver than Brody.:) I have used Zyrtec on cats in the past. I agree with you on pred- best to avoid it. XO

Julie said...

Oh goodness me dear Precious. I can well imagine how scary you looked & frightened that vicious deer away with your puffed up grey onesie!!! Well done You for protecting your territory. I shall have to tell The Mr that you have deer that come right up to the patio.
No I have not had experience with that product Lynn but thats wonderful if its helping Precious with the itching. Yes I feel the same as you do about Prednisone. Have a great weekend - the sun is trying really hard to peep thru here. xxx

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You're such a brave girl! That deer never knew what hit him.

catladymac said...

I've been that heard from several sources that Benadry is safe for pets. I had trouble cutting the tablets I had to be small enough for the cat in question (even though I did have a pill cutter) so I haven't used it on a cat myself.

catladymac said...


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That's pretty impressive posturing, Precious!

No, we have never used Zyrtec but Queen Tama has been taking a tiny daily dose of prednisone for her (undefined) allergies for several years.

The Chans

CCL Wendy said...

Yes Precious, you are so brave. I'm sure the deer must be influenced by her double pregnancy. Purrhaps it's her nesting instinct at work. I'm sure she will look for someplace more private though as you have your own territorial issues.

Chris said...

When our vet suggested tabs for our dog's allergy, we didn't get his tabs but asked other dog owners and bought tabs on line.

John Bellen said...

Wow, quite the confrontation between brave cat and vishus deer! Allergies are no fun no matter the species. I hope Precious's medicine continues to work.

Marvelous Marv said...

Precious! We are so proud to know a who stares down the vishus deers! We ignores ours (mostly) and they ignores us so I guess it is a truce! We wanted to tells yous how much we have missed yous! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on our blog! We are glad that we will be around more, we have missed you lots! Purrs Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Cinnamon and Mom Barb

messymimi said...

Moms and dads can get very protective when they are about to have babies, and that includes vishus deer. I do hope he stays away now.

Humans and dogs can suffer serious effects from long-term steroid use, but for some reason cats do not. I've had cats with asthma that took steroids and did fine. If the Zyrtec is working and the vet says it's safe, why not just continue? But if it quits working, consider the steroids.

The J-Cats said...

We are afraid We don't know anything about those meds you mention (fortunately)!
Precious, you were furry brave to stand up to the deer.

CCL Wendy said...

Glad to hear the new prescribed medication is having a pawsitive effect on Precious' ears. How annoying that would be!
I wonder if the hotter weather is somehow to blame. I know I always get itchy when it's really hot.

Katie Isabella said...

I had no idea Zyrtec could be used. hank goodness Precious is getting relief! Prednisone is not a good idea as you know, for a long time.

Katie Isabella said...

And Precious, you are one tuff girl!

CCL Wendy said...

I would never have thought you were on the precipice of teenagehood, Precious! What is your secret for appearing so young?
Of course some kitties are just born with good genes, and you must be included in their number.

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...