Friday, April 26, 2024

So, here's the thing

 "Lynn, I's sorry, but you know I really only love you.  You are my furiend and safe hooman."

Precious is having another "Woe Is She" week.

The sad bad thing about Precious and I having
a whole week to ourselves, is that she goes into
hiding as soon at my husband gets home.
Even though he is the one to dole out her breakfast 
while giving her belly rubs and she loves it and 
purrs and purrs.  Then she goes straight into one of
her hidey holes for the day to sleep.

When it is just the two of us,  I actually feel guilty
to take time off for myself to go to visit a museum
or bike ride or even spend
a couple hours in the main library.  Because she
does not go to bed for the day.  Rather she stays
up and even if she is no longer really playful,
she is awake and looking outside.

"After 11 years Lynn, I am still yer kitty only.
I'll git up fur supper and legs later on."

The past 10 days or so have been a bit of
Mulligan stew, so we did not post.  Precious said
she was wordless for a change as to all the
going and coming of the man who rubs her belly.
His going and coming with all the packing of camping
gear into the van and out again.
Then the awful storms we keep having with thunder
and torrential rain and tornado sirens.
The mowers back and the power wash fellow
came and cleaned the drive, patio and sidewalk concrete.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Museum..? Museum..? HeHe! What awful places....
Everything in there is new to
look at...just old's the point..? :O).

Precious...Now! Where do pussy~cats sleep..?
HeHe! Much like Gorillas...Anywhere they want to...
And...I do love your hidey~hole up the top there,
Watching Mum with the camera...Bless! :).x

And..I love Mulligan stew, also known as hobo stew,
it's a type of stew said to have been prepared by
American hobos in camps in the early 1900s....
And...broadly defined as a stew made of odds and
ends or any available ingredients....! HeHe! So there..!

Julie said...

Well I must admit I was a tad worried when you did not post last week & hoped all was okay with you both. I hope dear Precious settles down soon but I cannot offer any words of advise because I have the same scenario here with my furry three. They are certainly creatures of habit Lynn & we have to accomodate that I guess. I can well imagine how the storms, the mowers & the power wash guys just unsettled you so much dear Precious. If its any consolation we dislike having "tradies" here too. If they could do the work without actually coming here that would be fine!!! Take care both of you x0x

Smudge said...

Oh dear, Precious. First, dad had to chuckle at your post title as he and mom just finished bingeing every single season of "Monk". We're sorry to hear you're having a Woe is She week, but we hope things perk up quickly. Like you, I don't do well with bangs, screetches, motors, rain, storms and all. That aside, my mom and dad will surely attest to my different mood days. Sometimes I want all the attention, other times (mostly) I can't give either of them the time of day. Hope your weekend goes well, dear girl.

jabblog said...

Tornado sirens? That sounds frightening. No wonder you want to hide, Precious. I hope things settle down and you can have a more peaceful time:-)

Eastside Cats said...

Oh yeah, I feel guilty when I leave the house too; the cats look at me like I'm abandoning them!
Someone's got to shop for cat food, babies...
Museums, libraries, events are needful to keep one's soul full of good stuff.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious, eye understand ewe likin yur mom lotz and lotz, N deep down
ewe like yur dad lotz and lotz two, eye bet ‼️ may bee he could take
ewe fishin sum time, just ewe and him and make it a gurlz day out sorta kinda all most…and spend sum time catchin sea bass, bloo gil,
perch…then N joy em for a lunch brake πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸŸπŸ’™πŸ’š‼️

Kea said...

Precious, I'm sorry you've been having a rough time of it lately. It sounds like there's been a lot of disruption in your world recently, and I know from personal experience with Derry how hard that is on a sensitive kitty. I hope things are on a more even keel soon. ❤️

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope your routine isn't interrupted to much sweet Precious, that's always something to make every kitty nervous!

TimberLove said...

Sometimes I hide under the bed too, so it's OK, I understand. Be brave though kit-cat OK??

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh purressshush, i doo not like all dee comings and goings ee-thur! espeshully dee vacuum monster!! i juss like it quite and peasful!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Thunder? Torrential rain?! TORNADO SIRENS?!?!? I would be hiding too! I wouldn't even come out for belly rubs!"

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious we all have special people we like best.
Geeez if someone fixed my breakfast every morning and scratched by back I would be a m a z e d. But you have known Lynn longest so you don't want her to feel bad.
Thanks for popping out to say hi and I hope the storms are over
Hugs Cecilia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have had lots going on Precious, but I hope things calm down for you.

pilch92 said...

Sounds like a lot of scary noises. Brody wishes he was there to hide with you. :) XO

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Precious,
Yep, Brian is so right about a steady routine being interrupted—a sure kitty scare.
But Precious, you better start showing your love to your Daddy instead of faking your early retirement from loving TWO human beings.
Mariette + Kitties

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Awww, poor Precious. I hate leaving Mudpie too, for any length of time.

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, you and Mudpie and probably all of our friends have mom's that don't want to leave you all alone when they go out. That means my mom too. She will think of me some of the times when she is gone most of the day. And be glad to see me when she returns.

John Bellen said...

Far too much going on for a sensitive cat. And as for hiding when the man of the house comes home, well, that's sensitivity, too. And of course, Precious is a one-human cat, it seems.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our beloved humans should have only one purpose in life, and that is to attend to us and love us.

The Chans

The J-Cats said...

Precious, We heard Mummy telling the Cleaning Lady how She hates going out and leaving Us alone and how She feels guilty when She goes away on holiday. We think Guilt is Good for Humans (mol).

messymimi said...

Sometimes it's hard for a kitty girl when every day is not exactly and precisely the same.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I just have to chuckle because my sweet Little Girl Ash is particular to me, and me alone. She doesn't like upsets in her routine, not one bit! And she tolerates other people, and only loves me. I think she and Precious were cut out of the same cloth!

I have happy news to bring! Lynn and Precious - YOU are the winners of my new cookbook! Lynn, if you will email me your email address, I will get a cookbook off on its way to you! Many blessings to you dear friend!

Chris said...

Cats are very loving, I've had three but Kizzy my last one was the best, so sad when she had an accident, I cried for days.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

she prefers her Mama! Most kitties have one pawson that they prefer over the other

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...