Friday, March 1, 2024

Full Figured Gal

 "Lynn, I hope Brody likes full figgered gals like me."

Before at 5 pounds and 15 months old.

Now 15 pounds and 12 years old.

For those who remember actress Jane Russel,
full figured gal for the 18 Hour Playtex Bra

For younger folks, think of Marie Osmond
making Nutri System commercials in
reverse!  Skinny first,  fat second.

"Lynn, I am NOT fat, just a bit heavy on the bottom
when sittin' down. Standin' up I'm skinny in
the hips where it matters.  Does anyone think
my grey onesie makes me look fat?"

Our first native wild flower blooming on Feb. 24.
This is Colts Foot.  The flowers come up now,
but the leaves do not show until it has set seed.
This is actually about 10 to 15 days sooner than I normally
find the flowers on my walks.  Maybe an early Spring
will be true.  This has been up and down weather winter.
We've had flooding rains with tornado warnings
followed by snow and 20 degrees this week.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Do l remember Jane Russell...?
Yes! She's up there with..Rita Hayworth, Betty Grable
and Ava Gardner..!x
They don't make'em like that any more, most of them look
like 'tarts' now~a~days...You could'nt beat the lovely Ava
Gardener, especially in B/W....HeHe! :).
If l could be any Gardener, that's the one l'd love to be...!

And 'NO' your not fat look lovely, you 'always'
look lovely...Your bottom has to be a little bit wider, if it
was''d fall over...HeHe! Bless!x

And you have a very nice native wild that as big
as it gets...though, my favourite flower is the Pansy, l love
Pansies...closely followed by Orchids..!

Love the l always say..."Doges have owners,
cats have staff"...! :O)

jabblog said...

Precious, there's just more of you to love and that's always a good thing!

Kea said...

You are NOT fat! You have a lovely curvy kitty figure and are gorgeous just as you are. (P.S. Derry had a compact, chunky body...just like me! LOL.)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey sweet Precious, you look totally purrfect to us!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Precious, tell Lynn I sent her an email with some fun news.

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious years ago I took a course called Nancy Tayor(it taught how to dress for success and look your best). We had to decide what name to give our body shape. The one that best suited me was Pear Shaped....just like you my beautiful Gray Lady friend.
I do remember Jane Russell too
Hugs to you and Lynn

Eastside Cats said...

Precious, it's the photographer's fault!
Our native plants aren't quite ready yet, but I peek into the beds daily to see what is what.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Our Dada says he remembers that Jane Russell and those commercials! Although at first he was thinking of Jane Seymour who is apparently not the same person ..."
Lulu: "No tornadoes please!!!"

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Precious you're so beautiful and lovely—only a little more to love!
Our biggest kitty Spooky boy has long arms and legs and weighs 8.8 pounds.
The two girls are only 7.3 pounds but Angel Speckie once weighed close to 15 pounds. We LOVE them all as they are—as they do US!
Mariette + Kitties

Gidget Blue Sky said...

yoo r the purrfect pyramid! pyramids are sacred vessels

The Florida Furkids said...

We think your grey onesie is purrfect.

Julie said...

Dear Precious you do not look fat !!! You are just wearing a particularly warm furry winter coat that is all!!! When Miss Pip walks along she has this furry bit that wobbles under her tum. I tell her she is not fat - she is just fluffy!!! A girl has to keep a good covering on her in case she gets sick & then she has some "extra" to draw on. Have a great weekend both of you - we are getting autumnal touches here now & its just wonderful. x0x0

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, Gidget is right. Pyramids are sacred vessels. My human brother takes pictures of me, and puts it next to the pyramids he found in South America..and MOM got insulted for me!

catladymac said...

Prescious, many of us with older cats keep watch to make sure they are not losing weight. Stay firm.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You're purrfect just the way you are! Mudpie says if her fur coat wasn't so heavy she'd be a couple pounds lighter ;)

pilch92 said...

Brody and I think you are gorgeous. We have a lot of full figured girls here including myself. XO

John Bellen said...

Precious, you may have gained weight, but as all cats know, the pounds start to slip away as they age, so I think you've merely gained insurance for the leaner years. And you look lovely, anyway.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look lovely in your onesie, Precious. More of you to love and cuddle.

messymimi said...

If Brody is a smart Mancat, and I believe he is, I think he will say there is just a tiny bit more of you to love now.

Yes, full-figured gals need to stay together.

messymimi said...

And I almost forgot, thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

CCL Wendy said...

Precious, you are not too heavy, you are PLUSH! Dani is quite plushious, too. Sometimes it's hard to know where the fur stops and the actual cat begins.

The J-Cats said...

Precious, We have to admit Shimshi has the same argument with Mummy. HE says he is full-figured. Mummy has other words for it - chubby, tubby, rotund, portly, well-rounded - to name but a few (mol).

da tabbies o trout towne said...

lynn, I didn’t have your email to send a purrsonal card, so I
would like to say here, thank you for your kindness to me and my family and for stopping by to say good bye as I start my
tenth life in heaven. I will always watch over you; after all I
am ….the Codd Mother ‼️ loves from dai$y 🌸 and you ARE gorgeous 💖

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...