Friday, November 17, 2023

Leaves Leaves Leaves

 "I don't know which one to grab first, Lynn. Look at 'em all."

Actually Precious, I'd rather not see brown leaves.
That means the trees are bare and I have to rake and
rake and rake. Just look at that brown on the grass!

Look to the left.

Look up to the sky.

Check over the shoulder.

"Hey, Lynn it fell right in front of me!
I can't catch 'em all fast enough."

Hmm, let me see if I can find a rake you can
handle Precious.
Short video of one doe.  I was putting out fresh
water and we were maybe 20 feet apart. She did not
care, she came quickly for a drink.


The water dish is on the tree stump to the left
of the black plastic tree protector.  To keep
the bucks from scraping.

The above is only a minor amount of leaves I have moved.

Unbelievable in north central Ohio in November
that we actually had 5 days in a row of blue sky.
Too dry, also not normal.

Thank you for stopping by for a comment and a visit.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

I should'nt bother with the leaves Precious...
They soon shrivel up and blow away, or brake
down and go into the the ground, usually dragged
down by earthworms...and there good for the soil..!

Like Henny, you've certainly got a lot of of leaves
though..Goodness me..! :).
Still...Pray for a very strong wind/gale, that'll shift
them...HeHe! Give you summat to chase Precious...! :).

jabblog said...

Our leaves are falling but there are still many, many more to come. The doe and her friends and relations must be grateful for her kind humans who put out fresh water.

Kea said...

That's a lot of leaves! Fun for you, Precious, perhaps less fun for your human mom.

The doe is lovely, what a joy to have deer so close. (Except perhaps for your gardens. LOL.)

It's been mild here, but so grey, except for a couple of days. That's the trouble with living on the lake; our recent winters are endless grey skies with a constant freeze/thaw/icy mess. I'm already SO looking forward to Spring! :-D

Brian's Home Blog said...

We got leaves everywhere too sweet Precious but you have the pretty deer!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

wow, yoo git deer to watch, i onlee git burds

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn & Precious,
That is a lot of fallen leaves.
We have never ever raked up leaves but leave them as a blanket for plants and bulbs and to become mulch over time.
Our John Deere always had a mulcher so the leaves got used as fertilizer for the lawn. Now our Mexican yard crew does the mulching and they only use the blower for clearing our patios.
Stay cozy! Enjoy the deer visits.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Looking epic Precious, and we've got the same purroblem with gazillions of leaves falling daily, seriously it's a full-time job being on leaf duty! MOL Happy weekend to mew both!

Lynn and Precious said...

Willie, you are right on the blow away by the wind part. Some time in Dec. we will get a northerly wind that will last until May, ha ha. And it will send everything flying past the windows and scarring us to death!

Lynn and Precious said...

Mariette, our mowers do good with running over the leaves, sometimes mowing two times in one trip. But we get a coating that is 6 inches deep in between. As more fall now, they will get swept away with a wind out of the north.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious we wood total lee noe doubt for sure love two haz yur yard
and veew! it must be grate….! de food gurl be a born N raised buckeye
bye de way ! ‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸ’™πŸŸ

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious are you sitting on your catico? What a view and a deer too.
Thankfully all our leaves fall in our side and back yard...which is all natural area so we don't have to rake.
Hugs Cecilia

Julie said...

That sure is alot of leaves Lynn. I sometimes feel like waiting til they've all fallen & doing one big clean up. Mind you little & often is better I think. We shall have to think of a way to fit a wee rake to you dear Precious. I shall show the Mr the video of the doe. Wishing you both a wonderful weekend - getting steady rain here which is great cos I don't have the energy to water anything. x0x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a lot of leaves, Precious! We don't have many this year because the storms blew most of the leaves off the trees, then blew them away.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

WOW, that is a TON of leaves!

messymimi said...

Can you mulch the leaves where they are so they protect the grass from snow, instead of raking? I've always wondered.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

pilch92 said...

I love leaves. This is my favorite time of year. XO

John Bellen said...

Wow, that's a lot of leaves to deal with, though I shouldn't expect Precious to be of much help in that regard. That doe knew who she could trust.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Here we keep being told to "leave the leaves" because it is better for the soil and for the various critters!

The Chans

The J-Cats said...

Wow, Precious and Lynn - what an enormous garden you have! That must certainly involve a LOT of leaves! They are great to play with, though. They rustle - like paper bags (mol).

Katie Isabella said...

I have a huge amount too with all my trees, Precious. My mower and leaf raker quit on me and friends with no warning. So trying to find someone to rake.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oh my we used to have those leaves and deer in our yard. Well, we still get deer but we don't have the same trees anymore. Your yard is still very pretty :-).

CCL Wendy said...

Oh Precious, you are just too, too Precious! So kind of you to try to help your Mom with the leaves. And that little video of the deer made me want to yell "Here, Dear!" over and over. It's a lovely time of year.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

aren't the leaves actually good for the grass? But...if you go out in them then they are tracked in like when I walk Levi. They stick to him like Velcro!!! Love the video and the sweet doe!

Smudge said...

That sure is a lot of leaves, Precious. We have tons around our new home, too, and dad says he's glad he doesn't have to rake. The bare trees, brown leaves and overall grayishness are all pretty gross right now. Dad also wanted to add that the deer population 'round here is off the charts. He's already had a couple of near misses with the work truck because they just dart out of nowhere.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...