Friday, April 21, 2023

She stepped out!

 "Lynn, this is a bit scary.  I like the warm air and sitting here with you but it is all so new to me.

Four or five times a year Precious and I spend
a lovely long weekend or even a full week at home
alone.  The first time this year it was in March and
the weather here meant staying inside unless I 
dressed like and Eskimo to take a walk.

The week after Easter, April 10 thru 16, we had an exceptionally
long week at home together.  And the weather was
picture perfect.  I biked 5 days out of 7. 
And had lots of weeding and pruning to do and loved
every bit of it.

So here I was sitting on the patio for a bit
in the shade as it was 79 degrees and hot in
the sun.  I have not put the screen door up yet
for the back but I left the glass slider open a few
inches so Precious could sit and smell the air.

She shocked me when she asked if she could come out and look
around.  She was tasting the air in this picture.  She never did
go all the way over to inspect the grass.  But she has never
been a grass eating girl.  Peepers and Seney loved to eat it.

Every time I moved a bit to get her picture
she started to bolt for inside.  Which is a good 
thing actually.

"Lynn,  I think I better go in and take a long
bath.  I must have gotten dirty just being out here."

The Ohio Wildlife Division has just issued a
warning statement that Lyme disease is up in Ohio.
I stopped to speak to a jogger while I was riding,
and he had stepped off the path just a couple feet
into some grass and immediately had ticks on him.
And this is just mid April.  One good reason
that I am glad Precious is not too interested in
However, on that note, she did go out 2 other
afternoons with me. I had my plants sunning
but they can not be planted until mid May
due to more frost will occur.

After a wonderful week, on Monday 17th we
had rain, sleet and snow.  Can't wait for real
Spring to get here and stay.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Nice to see some nice 'active' photos of you
Precious..moving about a bit..HeHe! Rather
than curled up asleep, which most pussy~cats
do to catch up on their beauty sleep...
At least you got some fresh air into your lungs...

How does Mum do the weeding and pruning on
her 'bike'....! Strange....! :O).
🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭 🐁 🐭

Zoolatry said...

How lucky for her to be able to enjoy the real outdoors, even if briefly. Yet smart girl to stay close to the safety of "her inside home"! (and far from any tick territory, oh no, oh no ... you as well, please) Snow today, 80 degrees tomorrow, fun from Mother Nature.
And we must add, delightful photographs all!

Kea said...

Precious! My angels are super impressed with you! It's okay if you only wanted a few minutes, then went back to the safety of the house. It's just nice to feel the sun on your fur and smell the grass, even if you don't eat it (which is very helpful for your mum -- my angels would eat it and puke it up, lol).

I hear you on the ticks, though! Our city has 40% of the cases of Lyme disease in Ontario. Heard that last week on the news. We have about 150K in total population, the entire province is close to 15M population. It's so bad here it's crazy. Years ago I used to walk in Lemoine Point and just pick my way off the main trails, through the brush, but I wouldn't dare do that now.

As for Spring, she has been fickle this year, fighting with Winter! I'll be glad when we have steady warm (not hot) weather.

Take care, have a good weekend.

jabblog said...

There are lots of ticks here, too - warning signs in the woods. My son-in-law had Lyme disease last year and is still getting flare-ups.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was some fun fresh air whiffin' sweet Precious! I'm glad you and your Mom had fun together.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Ticks are so awful, both for animals and humans. So please be careful, both of you!

The Chans

Gidget Blue Sky said...

wow precious, yoo iz berry berry bwave

pilch92 said...

You are very brave Precious and very wise. Indoors is much better. We have been having ticks for about a month already and my hubby already got bit and had to take antibiotics. XO

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You were brave to go outside, Precious. It was nice for you to smell and taste the fresh air, and you were very good to keep close to the door.

Julie said...

You can see by her body language that she is just not too sure. I think this is a good thing too Lynn. But its wonderful that she felt safe enough with you to venture out just a little bit. Those ticks are nasty things - for humans & animals! I am glad you are finally getting some nicer weather. I love long weekends (& even weeks) when it is just me & the furry ones. It doesn't happen often here - its usually me going away. Enjoy the weekend both of you xxx

Pink Rose said...

Hi Lynn and Precious nice to see what you are both up to ,glad you are getting warmer weather where you are,where I live it is warm all the time . Hope those nasty ticks are around for long,hope you both have a wonderful weekend 🌹🤍🌹

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You look so beautiful in the sun! Staying inside is still safest though.

messymimi said...

It's nice to go outdoors for a little bit, i'm glad Precious enjoyed it.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn,
Well, it is a good thing that Precious is reluctant for stepping outside—life is safer indoors.
Ours can go out, through the cat doors, one in our staircase area and then a bigger one from the garage.
BUT again this week I heard around 5:30 AM some fighting noises. Went down the stairs and our eldest and alpha cat Spooky boy was facing an intruder inside the garage. It left when I came in and I opened the garage door for making sure it left... Hate when strangers intrude as we once had a nasty 'spraying' non–neutered male come inside!
How I envy you for having biked 5 out of 7 days—I'm so longing for being able to do that again! Hope my new bike will arrive soon.

John Bellen said...

It's good to have some fresh air once in a while, though I'm with you: I'd prefer my cats to prefer the indoors. Precious is a smart girl; she knows where safety lies. But 79 degrees? We had snow last week...

The J-Cats said...

It is so much safer indoors - although We wish We had a garden and a catio. We wonder how CalliCallou will adapt to being an indoor kitty if and when Mummy manages to "capture" her.

Katie Isabella said...

What a lovely time Precious had. I hope Katie doesn't ask me the same though. I'd have to turn her down because we have a very busy street in front of the house, & thick woods behind us. Cars...and getting lost in the woods..she'd have a hard time of it. (me too).

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Absolutely epic fun, but it's alays nice to get back indoors! MOL We hope mew have a truly furbulous week sweetie!

Adorapurr said...

Dear Precious, what an adventure! At my house we are protected by the catio screen pool cage, but that doesn't stop nasty fleas and maybe even ticks from coming in, so Daddy sprays all around our house several times a year. This way we don't have to wear flea collars or get dosed with any flea liquids. We have been here three years and no fleas! Yay! Love, Dori

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We had the same warm spell as you here in Michigan. While it was nice it was crazy early to be that warm!

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....