Friday, April 28, 2023

Indoor Camping

"Lynn, don't put that sheet in the pantry.  I want it."

Precious, I am trying to fold laundry.
What are you going to do, go camping?

This bulge in the sheet is Precious.
I draped it over the basement stairs banister
for her enjoyment.  When she is finished camping in
a few weeks, it'll need a good washing.  All the
grey furs embedded in it will be unbelievable.

"What are you doing?  Trying to make me
look like I'm in jail?"

Nope, Precious,  I just wanted humans to see
the inside of your tent.  I had to raise the
"flap" to stick my head under  to get your picture.
Just don't try lighting a camp fire under there
just because it has turned back to winter.

We had extreme heat 2 weeks ago. And now
this week it is 30 degrees below normal every day.
The bird baths are frozen in the morns, and
we have had the "10" snows after the
forsythia blooms.  Oh yay, that is supposed to
be THREE snows.

"Oh my,  Lynn just read on The Poupounette that we have
spam folder on Blogger!  I have 74 comments and Lynn just clicked on 
many to load the comments where they were intended.
Thank you all very much and sorry Lynn did not see them earlier."

PS, I do not like computers at all and I am very
ignorant actually for this reason.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.



WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Your doing the right thing Precious...
If yer going to go camping, do it indoors..
Out of the wind and rain...and the cows..?
I went camping once with the Boy Scouts,
in a field, miles from anywhere, in the early
hours a noise woke us up..and there was
cows head peering inside the tent..frightened
the life out of us...!
The following night we heard rustling sounds,
outside the tent, we looked out, and there were
badgers everywhere...There was 'NO' third night...
we all went home...! No more scouting for me...! :(.
♫♪•*¨*•.¸🔥💛🔥¸.•*¨*•♪♫ ♫♪•*¨*•.¸🔥💛🔥¸.•*¨*•♪♫

jabblog said...

That looks fun, Precious, and it's so much nicer being indoors. Can't believe the extremes in your weather!

Lynn and Precious said...

What, no fresh milk?

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! No! We were to frightened to look at the
'udder' end...if fact we could'nt see's whole
head was taken up at the flap in the front....! :O).

Kea said...

Precious, that's a great tent!

I feel you on the stupid temperature extremes. We had four days of "July" earlier this month, then went back to winter and since have been a bit below normal. Brrr.

BTW, I have to check the blog comments spam folder ALL the time! One day I will look and there's none, the next day I will look and there are comments from 2011, 2012, etc. (I kid you not) that were flagged as spam. I'm just rolling my eyes here -- lol.

Take care and have a terrific weekend!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

precious dat lookz like fun!

Lynn and Precious said...

Evil Mr. Google Blogger says Precious

Zoolatry said...

Ah yes, our infamous Spam Comments! Just like Kea, one day a few
REAL ones, the next day dozens that are years and years old ... blogspot algorithms must be so wacky! You just never know what surprises await you there. Moving on ... Miss Precious have you tried tenting in old kraft paper, it's fun, too (per June) as it's all crinkly crunchy, but I do agree that sheets, also blankets and towels, are
truly wonderful! Enjoy!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn,
Oh, indoor camping—yep leave it to our kitties' fantasy for creating such a tent to hide in. They are very inventive in finding special hiding places.
You captured it very well.
As for the spam, just as Kim mentioned, I've found LOTS of them from 2010 and whatever. I've even checked and went to that post before clicking on them. They WERE already in there—so what the heck is Google doing?! Are they just pestering us in order to make us QUIT?!
April weather is never steady yet and be careful to dress warmly so you don't catch a cold.
We've had our ups and downs here as well and yesterday of course the sunshine had to be pestered away with heavy thunder and rain. It inundated our place... Pieter is trying to fill the planter boxes up with new white petunias as the pansies can't stand the heat. BUT we noticed that a Carolina wren took up residence below one pansy on the corner with a nest and tiny eggs. So that one must stay in!
We got LOTS of birds due to feeding them year round here so they love the free restaurants!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your tent looks like a lot of fun, Precious! I check every day to see if Mr. Blogger has put any comments in spam. The other day I checked my original blog and there were hundreds there, some from as far back as 2006.

messymimi said...

Indoor tent camping is fun, although snow after the blooms start is not. I hope you thaw out soon.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Julie said...

Oh I love your tent Precious. I won't show Miss Pip or she'll want one too. I left my sweatshirt on the back of the chair & it fell on the floor & Madam Pip slept on it for 3 days in a row. Yes lots of ginger hairs to remove. I hope Mum leaves your tent up for awhile longer Precious - you look so content in there. Happy weekend to you - rain is due all next week so I am trying to do all the washing today & get it on the line to dry. xx

pilch92 said...

Precious, you are wise. Indoor camping is the only kind of camping I do. XO

Brian's Home Blog said...

You look like a very happy camper sweet Precious!!!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

What a fun way to go camping!

John Bellen said...

Ha! I know about bulges that are actually cats. Precious has a neat little tent there - and it is, at last, the weather for camping in my part of the world.

Smudge said...

Nothing better than safe indoor camping, no? I like hiding behind our actual drapes when I'm feeling playful.

The J-Cats said...

An indoor tent is SUCH fun, isn't it, Precious?
We also had days and days of excessive heat - and it has now turned rather chilly. Climate change?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Precious I LOVE YOUR TENT!!! I want to come and camp with you! Love, Roary. Tell Mom, that the reason I use comment moderation is because I get literally hundreds of spam comments that I have to delete so they don't hit the blog! We're on Blogger too! Love to both you and Mom !

Katie Isabella said...

Gosh...I have comment moderation. 2 days for mommy's blog and 1 for mine. So I get to see any spam before it goes to the blog.

Katie Isabella said...

Indoor camping is where it's at Precious!!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

So entertaining you are, Miss Precious! I giggled at your fun times under the sheet! My kitties would like to play with you, they have quite a few tricks too - like eating paper bags, and rolling in dirt. You are all silly, but we love you very much! Now one thing they don't do is roll in the snow, sure hope your snow has melted by now! Ours thankfully has, and we have had some nice days also - but then cooler weather is back. Strange weather, indeed!

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....