"Lynn, don't put that sheet in the pantry. I want it."
Precious, I am trying to fold laundry.
What are you going to do, go camping?
This bulge in the sheet is Precious.
I draped it over the basement stairs banister
for her enjoyment. When she is finished camping in
a few weeks, it'll need a good washing. All the
grey furs embedded in it will be unbelievable.
"What are you doing? Trying to make me
look like I'm in jail?"
Nope, Precious, I just wanted humans to see
the inside of your tent. I had to raise the
"flap" to stick my head under to get your picture.
Just don't try lighting a camp fire under there
just because it has turned back to winter.
We had extreme heat 2 weeks ago. And now
this week it is 30 degrees below normal every day.
The bird baths are frozen in the morns, and
we have had the "10" snows after the
forsythia blooms. Oh yay, that is supposed to
be THREE snows.
"Oh my, Lynn just read on The Poupounette that we have
spam folder on Blogger! I have 74 comments and Lynn just clicked on
many to load the comments where they were intended.
Thank you all very much and sorry Lynn did not see them earlier."
PS, I do not like computers at all and I am very
ignorant actually for this reason.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.