Friday, March 3, 2023

Prairie Dog Story

 "I look at these prairie doggies ev-furry time I am in the bed room.

Lynn says they are now so old, they break the world record fur life time expectancy.  Don't know what that means."

I thought I'd share a prairie dog story.
Precious and I received a singing Christmas e-card
from the marvelous Marv and his entire family of fur
and humans.  It was Prairie dogs singing Jingle Bells.
Precious is still watching them do this.

But my prairie dogs where a strange gift from a
friend decades ago.  They have always sat under
this small lamp table.
When Angel Seney was with me, she just loved to
curl herself  into a giant C wrapped around the
prairie dogs for hours a day every day.
After she left me, I could never remove the little dogs
no matter what.

"I am a cat, I would not be that fur-eindly with these little
doggies.  I'd chase 'em and then you don't want to know
any more than that."

March is coming in like a lamb and the prediction
is it will go out like a lion.  In between it will just
be February all over again, 'peat and and repeat.

I understand the UK has a lack of fresh produce
right now.  That's not good or healthy. Hope it ends sooner
than later.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Well now...Black-tailed Prairie Dogs can live
between 3 and 5 years..So you've done very
well, for them to live for decades..! :).
And of course those that you have are very clean,
around the house..No mess..! :).

HeHe! Two prairie dogs were sitting next to each
One asked the other, “I really like Ms. Burrows,
should I ask her out?”
The other prairie dog said, “Gopher it.” :O).

And Yes! There is a lack of fresh produce over
here in the U.K. And not back to normal until the experts say...! :(.
I went to Lidl supermarket last Sunday and not
even one egg on the shelf..not one...l asked
the check~out girl on the way out, if she could
'lay' me half dozen...'NOPE'...! :).
And eggs have gone up 95% in the last month!
And, energy bills are going up again in April, the
whole country is in a terrible mess...even pets are
being returned to shelters, because people can't
afford the keep or feed them...Terrible! :O(
A few Hail Mary's and few Our Fathers may help...
We'll see...! Onwards and Upwards....!
💛 🌱 🌸 🌱 💜 💛 🌱 🌸 🌱 💜 💛 🌱 🌸

Lynn and Precious said...

We humans can put up with a change in our food due to a lack of availability. But for pets to be turned away, that is beyond sad. I hope things improve quickly. I've had eggs all along this winter but they have skyrocketed to the point that I'm very careful about actually using any.

Kea said...

I thought at first you meant real Prairie dogs, and I was thinking, huh? LOL. These are cute, though. Easy to take care of and not destructive. The pics of Seney with them are adorable. She reminds me of my Chumley.

I've heard of the lack of fresh produce in the UK and it sounds like a terrible situation, more reminiscent of the early months of the pandemic. And eggs! We have them, but you almost need a second mortgage on your house to buy any (or anything else at the grocery store these days).

Wishing you both a lovely weekend! We have another mega-storm headed our way (thank you, Texas, for the low!), so our March is coming in like a lion. I see only snow in the forecast right into mid-March, so it's all rather tiresome and depressing. I'm hanging on to the thought that winter cannot last forever, even if it feels like it. LOL.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I really like your prairie dogs too Precious, I'd probably curl up and nap with them!

The Florida Furkids said...

They sure are adorable!

Kathe W. said...

Awww love the prairie dogs!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those prairie dogs are cute, and so well behaved too! I think the food shortages depend on where you live as to availability. I get my fruit and veg from a local supplier who gets everything from the local farms. Obviously things like melons and pineapples are shipped in. Last week my delivery was missing tomatoes. He put a note in to say that the ones he had were poor quality and wouldn't send them out. This week he gave me a double amount at no extra cost.I get my eggs from a neighbour so no problems there. I am lucky because I know a lot of the supermarkets are rationing fresh produce.

catladymac said...

That was a beautiful memory of those prairie dogs and your cat Who Came Before.

pilch92 said...

Angel Seney was beautiful. And Precious is too. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those prairie dogs are adorable!!! I can understand why you would never want to move them.

Marvelous Marv said...

Those Prairie Dogs are so cute! They look exactly like the ones that live in the hay field down the street! It is so cool that you have a pair that live under your table! And Jo Jo is so happy that you liked the Prairie Dog Christmas song in your card! She picked it just for you! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marvelous Marv (and Jo Jo).

messymimi said...

What sweet memories with the prairie dogs and the cat.

Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

Lynn and Precious said...

It's good to hear you are able to eat well. I am glad here at home I am able to buy the fresh produce and eggs I want and need. We don't eat a lot of meat, but it is more available than the past 3 years. All of actually.

Lynn and Precious said...

I'm always so glad you stop by. I enjoy seeing your comments on other blogs too so I know more about your cats. This Ohio winter has been so strange. But I am grateful for lack of snow.

John Bellen said...

Those are cute little prairie dogs - gophers, as we call them here - and I can see why you wouldn't want to move them.

The J-Cats said...

Those prairie dogs are effur so cute!

Katie Isabella said...

Hi Precious! I love the Prairie Dogs in under the lamp table and I would be like your mom, and never move them for the same reason she mentioned.

A Joyful Cottage said...

I don't think I've ever seen Prairie Dogs in a gift shop. Ever. I wonder where in the world your friend found that. It certainly makes for an interesting conversation piece. Love to you and Precious.

Adorapurr said...

I love that the Prairie Dogs have not been moved in honor of Seney's love for them. They remind yoo that she's still with yoo. Love, Dori

My Little Valentine

  "Lynn and I want to say Happy Valentines to all our furiends."  "I figger that it is fur me that it fell on a Furiday! That...