"Lynn, I am so glad to be home again. You know how going
to the dreaded V-E-T makes me a nervous nellie for weeks."
Don't I know it Precious. I am so very sorry you must go
through this every year.
And this year I only let the nice doctor give you the
rabies shot. No blood letting or urine sample.
He did not really agree with this short version, but
that is my decision.
Precious goes to the first appointment of the day. And she gets
an immediate room regardless of who else is waiting.
That's because they want her to stop caterwauling quickly.
Any glass shattering opera singer would be envious of how
long Precious can sing without taking a breath.
Precious is down to 15.6 pounds and to this he says
"13 pounds would be ideal, but losing weight is a concern."
pea-pickin' MIND!
She was 17.2 in 2020 and 16.6 in 2021 and
with strict monitoring of Precious' food she is 15.6.
I feel like he was telling me that 2 years ago she would
have been young enough to lose 4 pounds in one year.
Now he doesn't like it she lost one.
I could not show all of the high mural the office has unless I
would have take 4 or 5 photos.
Cats are well represented even though the dogs are a bit
more obvious. And then there are also the rabbits.
I enjoy seeing this every trip, otherwise the event is
so difficult for Precious. She just gets so worked up.
"Psst, Lynn, just slide my food under the bed."
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It is much appreciated.