Friday, August 5, 2022

Old Buildings and Bikes

"Lynn, you left me again."

Sorry Precious, as a retired person and a bicycle
rider, I just have to make the best use of my legs 
and the weather. I will miss good weather.

When I was eating my lunch at Lem's I took a 
photo of this wonderful old building catty-corner from
the picnic table.

This trip I drove a very short distance to the village of
Killbuck and road 16 miles north to Fredericksburg.
This is very Amish and the path is used by bikes and
horses.  Mostly the Amish now ride electric bikes and
only take the horse and buggy when they need many supplies.

In Fredericksburg I treated myself to a tiny but very tasty
pizza at Lem's.  It is in the ground floor of a very old
Victorian house that now has upstairs apartments.
I should have crossed the street at the only intersection
in town and taken a better photo. Guess I was worried
about being run down by a horse at the 4 way stop.

"Well, it's a good thing you got home in time for
my hair brushing and then supper and then legs.
I was sleeping while you were gone to keep the
hungeries away."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment. 
It is much appreciated.



Kea said...

I love seeing pics of your jaunts. Next time bring Precious a treat and perhaps she'll forgive you for leaving her again. :-D

Katie Isabella said...

I too love seeing where you are or have been or fixing to go to. And today's was fun to see with you. Precious...your face says it ALL!

catladymac said...

We l ike your new header Precious ! We think napping is always the way to go.

ZOOLATRY said...

My favorite things here in the city is to do walkabouts and discover the old historic buildings! Wish I could ride a bicycle, but no longer have the legs or strength for it ...

Julie said...

I love seeing the photos of the old buildings near where you & Precious live Lynn. Just wonderful & I love the history of them all. I also love your new Header! Very nice indeed! xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Lynn sure sees some interesting sights but I'm sure you were thrilled to see some food Precious!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Looks like a very cute spot! I'm glad she got back home to you where she belongs though :)

John Bellen said...

The Amish use electric bikes? Isn't that breaking their rules?

Lynn and Precious said...

Nice to hear from you Julie. I figure you've had serious business about your mum. Hope all is well.

The J-Cats said...

Those are lovely old buildings, Precious, especially the wooden one. Here in Israel, you don't see many houses built of wood. In Jerusalem, where We live, most of the buildings are faced with Jerusalem stone.

Mickey's Musings said...

Mum likes the 1st picture. The library is her favourite place ;)
I bet you keep in shape riding your bicycle. Mum walks and goes up and down the stairs.
I am glad she got back in time for your meal.
Also for brushings! That is my favourite thing too!!!!
Purrs, Julie

John Bellen said...

The library looks unusual in a corner location like that. I wonder if it has always been a library. It looks more like the location of a small business, like a lawyer’s office, or a doctor’s.

Henny Penny said...

Sounds like a fun bike ride and lunch, and day! Sorry Precious, your face made me laugh. You do look a little angry with Lynn.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...