Friday, August 26, 2022

Duh, what's up doc?

"Lynn, those cwazy wabbits has gone and scarit off my 


Well, Precious,  these bunnies are only half grown and
just figuring out how to get out and about.

However, it is surprise to see them on the patio while
their mom is in the grass eating apple peel.

"Well, if you'd stop throwin' out the peel they would
not come over and chase off Chippie.  He was eatin'
the squash seeds you put out and dragging apple peel
over for me to watch."

"It serves ya right, they are eating your plants."

I see that Precious, however they will not do as much
damage as the deer and will soon hop away.

Other wildlife here are my 2 and only 2 so far,
black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars.  Here's one
at the age of 48 hours old and the size of a coma on this blog.

 Here they are 7 days old and you can see the
black pepper size poop they made. 

And now about 2 weeks old. Eating the parsley
like crazy and should be ready to chrysalis in another
week.  I think they are healthy and will turn into
butterflies late this summer.
I also have 11 Monarch Butterfly caterpillars in a
large plastic container in the living room. I have to
go and cut more milkweed plants, and inspect to 
be sure to save any eggs I may find. Actually hoping
for egg-less leaves, less responsibility, lol.
Of course, there is no knowing if they are parasited or not
until they are a chrysalis for a while.

"Those things aren't butterflies! I thought you were bringing
in butterflies for me to catch! I'm not going to babysit these
things. All they do is eat and poop."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, August 19, 2022

Beginning to End

"Lynn, I can't read people words. What is that colorful thingy?"

That Precious, is in the tiny village where I start most of
my bike rides.

This map shows our 45 miles of trail. 

Where I end when I ride all the way into the
big little city.

This map shows the old rail route the path now follows
for 326 miles.

"Gosh Lynn, the inside of the depot is grandiose."

"I much prefer carpet than marble.  It would
hurt my bones, even though I'm a bit chubby."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Thanks to Bloggers Every Where

"Lynn!  Lynn!  Did you see my new picture up top?

How'd it git there? Now if you forget to take a picture of

me, people can see me anyways."

I know Precious.  And I did not make that lovely
header you now have.

Ann of Zoolatry sent it to us with instructions how
to use it.

"I know Lynn.  You have thumbs and eye glasses and
none of that helps."

I started this blog just a few years ago after reading so many
others and decided maybe, just maybe I could put together
I have been so lucky to have folks visit and give me
Lately, Terry of Brian's Home connected this blog to 
the cat-blogsphere because I was unable figure out how to
do it myself.
And then Marv and his furry family have hosted Precious
quite a few times and we love the pictures they make.
Also, I have tried making artwork because folks mention
the sites they use and I finally get those figured out.

Now, we have this lovely header and it is basically because
Ann just came forward and offered her art to me.
And I apologize that the header showed up on a previous
entry.  I intended it to start with this one so I could
do a proper thank you. I did not know Blogger would
attach it to old blogs! 

I have a hate-hate relationship with computers that goes
back to the late 90's.  So some of my stumbling blocks are
due to myself as I just won't give into the things.

Thank you all.  Lynn and Precious


Friday, August 5, 2022

Old Buildings and Bikes

"Lynn, you left me again."

Sorry Precious, as a retired person and a bicycle
rider, I just have to make the best use of my legs 
and the weather. I will miss good weather.

When I was eating my lunch at Lem's I took a 
photo of this wonderful old building catty-corner from
the picnic table.

This trip I drove a very short distance to the village of
Killbuck and road 16 miles north to Fredericksburg.
This is very Amish and the path is used by bikes and
horses.  Mostly the Amish now ride electric bikes and
only take the horse and buggy when they need many supplies.

In Fredericksburg I treated myself to a tiny but very tasty
pizza at Lem's.  It is in the ground floor of a very old
Victorian house that now has upstairs apartments.
I should have crossed the street at the only intersection
in town and taken a better photo. Guess I was worried
about being run down by a horse at the 4 way stop.

"Well, it's a good thing you got home in time for
my hair brushing and then supper and then legs.
I was sleeping while you were gone to keep the
hungeries away."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment. 
It is much appreciated.


Spring Sprang Sprung

  "Look Lynn!  Chippie came out fur the Spring! He sprang! He sprung up!" "Real live Chippie eating apple." "I wann...