Friday, August 26, 2022

Duh, what's up doc?

"Lynn, those cwazy wabbits has gone and scarit off my 


Well, Precious,  these bunnies are only half grown and
just figuring out how to get out and about.

However, it is surprise to see them on the patio while
their mom is in the grass eating apple peel.

"Well, if you'd stop throwin' out the peel they would
not come over and chase off Chippie.  He was eatin'
the squash seeds you put out and dragging apple peel
over for me to watch."

"It serves ya right, they are eating your plants."

I see that Precious, however they will not do as much
damage as the deer and will soon hop away.

Other wildlife here are my 2 and only 2 so far,
black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars.  Here's one
at the age of 48 hours old and the size of a coma on this blog.

 Here they are 7 days old and you can see the
black pepper size poop they made. 

And now about 2 weeks old. Eating the parsley
like crazy and should be ready to chrysalis in another
week.  I think they are healthy and will turn into
butterflies late this summer.
I also have 11 Monarch Butterfly caterpillars in a
large plastic container in the living room. I have to
go and cut more milkweed plants, and inspect to 
be sure to save any eggs I may find. Actually hoping
for egg-less leaves, less responsibility, lol.
Of course, there is no knowing if they are parasited or not
until they are a chrysalis for a while.

"Those things aren't butterflies! I thought you were bringing
in butterflies for me to catch! I'm not going to babysit these
things. All they do is eat and poop."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.



Mickey's Musings said...

Gee! You gave more exciting wildlife than I do.
I see squirrels and birds. Mum says there are bunnies around, but I have not seen them yet.
I do see people out for their daily walks but that is not too exciting;)
Purrs, Julie

Brian's Home Blog said...

I do hope your chippies come back soon but the bunny is really cute to see too!

Kea said...

You definitely have far more excitement there than we do here, Precious! Those bunnies are adorable. Caterpillars -- not so much (in the cute department), but they will emerge transformed and beautiful! :-)

Sandee said...

Aw so cute. Free entertainment.

Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

Gidget Blue Sky said...

too much poop!!!!!

Kathe W. said...

Fascinating- we have swallowtails here, but our backyard is small and the greenspace behind us is a forest- so we just see the final products
flying above- thanks for the great photos- learned more today thanks to you!

pilch92 said...

It is fun to watch them come out at butterflies. :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those bunnies are so adorable!

Julie said...

I love rabbits Lynn ... but not the real ones. I don't find them cute anymore as I see the damage they can do. I was looking at your pics & thinking that they will eat your plants. The ones we have here dig holes in the lawn & you have to be careful not to step in it or you can break your ankle. I wish they would relocate. Blackie catches the occasional one but they can run much faster than him. I hope you get some lovely monarch butterflies. Enjoy the weekend Lynn & Precious. xx

John Bellen said...

I would have thought Precious would like the rabbits as much as the chipmunk, though these young kittens need to be instructed by their mother about where they should and shouldn't go! And what a lot of caterpillar poop! Who would have thought? And how those little larvae grow!

Katie Isabella said...

PRECIOUS! I had the best time while I was here learning what you are doing! I love what you and your mom both are doing and can't wait to see everything as it unfolds.

Katie Isabella said...

Said it all for me! Seriously. I was thinking the same.

Zoolatry said...

Precious ~ you have your own "little critter zoo" of nature right outside your window, how lucky you are! I am up to high in the sky, only once in awhile does a bug fly by and sometimes migrating birdies ...

The J-Cats said...
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The J-Cats said...

It is so fascinating to watch the whole cycle of creation, to have it right under your nose. The flutterbies will be beautiful!
However, We are sorry the bunnies (cute as they are) chased away your chipmunk pal.

August 28, 2022 at 1:26 PM

John Bellen said...

I don't think I thanked you and Precious for your warm sympathies upon Minuet's departure. I know you've followed her adventures in the Cosy Apartment, and it was much appreciated that you commented as you did. Thank you.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Oh, Swallowtails are so beautiful. I hope you do get some! xo

Yaking up hairballs

  "Lynn has been cleanin' up my upchuck hairballs a lot this summer. She says she's never seen me do such a job or as many.&quo...