Friday, May 13, 2022

A Ride on the Wild Side

 "Lynn, tell me it ain't so, you did not SIT on a cat!"

Recently I drove to Mansfield, Ohio. This is my
large city 45 miles away for shopping.
I went to the Richland County Carrousel Park.

This carrousel is fully restored from the very early 1900's.
Any repair and painting that was needed, was done right there
in Mansfield.  There is a wood carving shop that makes new
full size replacements for other carrousels around the country 
and for people who just want one for home decorating.
I think that would be a pretty big knick-knack.

I took two very expensive rides.  At $1 each, it
is a fun way to spend a few minutes.
The first ride was on one of the 4 cats.  And my
second go-round was on a jack rabbit with the largest
ears ever.

"Me, I'll just take a ride on your legs, Lynn.
In hopes for a nap while I'm at it."

I won't charge you for the ride or the nap, Precious.

I was so excited to actually see the Eastern Blue Bird
babies fly out of the nest box on May 7.  Mom built
the nest in March with all the ice and sleet and snow.
Laid her eggs and kept them warm during April with
bitter cold nights and sleet and rain storms.
Then the poor things flew out while it was a cold
rainy day.  Now I see them about in the trees and
mom and dad are feeding them meal worms I put
out as fast as they can.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

What a lovely carrousel Precious...probably
go a bit to fast for you....Never seen one
with pussy~cats on..!
And there's always an argument on how it's it..Carrousel..or Carousel...
Don't think it matter really..does it...! :0

HeHe! Love the photo of your rear end Precious,
nearly as nice as the front end..HeHe! Bless!x

Kea said...

That carousel is amazing! I've never seen one with animals other than horses. Wonderful!

I'm glad your birds survived to fly out of their nest! There are three baby robins in the nest in the cedar shrub outside my door. I finally was able to get a so-so snapshot yesterday, since they're big enough to see now. They're well-protected, tucked in amid all the branches. :-)

The pic of Precious made me chuckle. She looks like Derry from the back end. LOL.

Take care and have a lovely weekend!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I've never seen a kitty on a carrousel before, pretty cool. You do a darn fine monorail kitty thing sweet Precious.

Julie said...

That carousel is amazing Lynn - just so authentic & beautiful - not the nasty gawdy ones you see these days. I would've happily paid $1 for a ride on any one of those lovely animals. Lovely pic of your rear end there Precious - hope you had a comfy sleep on Mum. xx

Smudge said...

That carousel is indeed a thing of beauty. Reminds dad of one he used to ride as a kid hundreds of years ago at the long-closed-and-demolished Mountain Park up in Holyoke, MA. And I'm with you, Precious, on preferring to ride on mom or dad's legs instead of some big fake animal!

John Bellen said...

I was glad to read that making carvings for carousels is still an on-going business. What lovely works of arts these ones are. And seeing the blue bird babies fly - surviving so far - must indeed have been quite a treat.

Katie Isabella said...

OH how wonderful about the carving of rides on carousels! How I wqould love to see that. And rule there at your home just as the rest of us do in our homes, here in the CB.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...