Friday, March 12, 2021

Not Much Help

"Lynn, I'm not sure what this is to be. But you know me

I'll walk on anything new on the floor."


I've been working on embroidery kit of a pair of pillowcases
for almost one year. I pull it out and get in an hour of work on
the days when I can not stand to look outside at the bad weather
and am tired of reading. I enjoy both things, but when a person
can not have a bit of a change up, these things then become more
like work than fun.

Precious really doesn't have a use for anything that is not
food or fun, so she is only posing for me because I asked her to.

"Lynn says my crunchie and lap time is about to change. She says
she is supposed to reset the clocks this weekend. Humans, what
is the kittie world coming to?"

This project will be months longer at my speed. I'm going along as
if I were the one sleeping from 7 AM until 2 PM. 
And to think 20 some years ago, I was able to work full time,
maintain the home completely, garden, can vegetables, and do
needle work a lot.  Now I maintain the home, and feel like I'm
beat for the day, wishing I was sleeping with Precious.

"Lynn, it's personal how long I nap. A girl must be well rested just
in case you come up with something more interesting than this."

Although, I have been able to take walks up and down our hill
here for the past week almost every day.  Still putting on way
too many clothes just to stay warm.

Thank you all for stopping in for a look and a comment. It means a lot.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

The work that Mum's done on the
pillowcase Precious is very nice,
but then someone has to come along
and check that it's o.k. and nice
and flat, that's where you come in
Precious..! :).

At least your showing an interest in
Mum's work, if you get bored, you've
always got your feather..Or! Or! Sleep! :o).

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Love the colors in the pillowcases. I'm worn out from all of the outside work going on here. Will be glad when it is done, the property will look so good. Have a great weekend with Precious! ~ FlowerLady

Julie said...

Oh she does remind me of Miss Pippi Lynn ... everytime something is out - it is especially for HER! Precious is the same by the look - sitting on your embroidery. Which is VERY beautiful I must add! Keep going Lynn - its looking wonderful.

Marvelous Marv said...

Your embroidery Rocks!. I have started a new free form on the back of a sleeveless blouse and have not done anything on it for a month. I too find it difficult to do the "extras". I don't know if its age, just retiring or the whole covid stuck at home thing. Hers sending you energy! Thanks for stopping by! Ciao

Katie Isabella said...

MY mom always embroidered so many many things. She took tablecloths to Europe to embroider in all of her downtime. She mailed them back to her mother and Dad. She needs to get started again! You are inspiring her. Well, your mom is, and you sure sound like me. A cat.

John Bellen said...

Oh, don't mention how you used to do things twenty years ago I can't bear to think about how I have changed. And I was already crowding on middle-age twenty years ago!

On a happy note, the embroidery looks very pretty. I couldn't use such a lovely pillow case, though; I'd be afraid of ruining it.

Marvelous Marv said...

I am so grateful and happy that you guys are part of my life! Thank you for being at my birthday party today. Celebrating with you and other friends was the best part of the day. - Slobbery Kisses Cinnamon

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...