Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Santa delivered

"Santa brought me just what I wanted, Lynn!" 

"I can never have enough sacks to lay on."

Maybe you can pick out Precious's scratchy 
post in the top right of the above photo. It is
actually a cardboard tube wrapped in sisal
(coarse rope) and on the table leg, so no tip
overs of a free standing post and it is well
used this way.  Had to tip the table over to 
install this and every couple years, it has to be
turned upside down to even out the rope as it
gets scratched so much. 

"How did he know what size bags to bring?"

"How did he know where I live? And the paper
shopping bag from the bike store.  We can play
frog on it all evening long. Just get ready to
flip the frog, Lynn."

Precious is easy to please.  Me, I wonder how
many sacks I can have on the floor at one time. 
Just like having stepping stones in the house, but 
hey, she's happy and no one is coming here to visit
during these times. No pressure on my part to keep
every thing picked and and put away.

As for my gift, I woke up Dec.25 to 10 inches of snow,
and 13 degrees (-10C). It was to be 1 to 2 inches, but I
guess St. Nick needed more for those reindeer of his.
I spent a few hours just shoveling snow and part of it
was to clear paths to the bird feeders as you can see here.

Happy New Year from Precious and Lynn


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HeHe! As you say can
never have enough sacks..l think
you've got it in the 'bag'..Bless!x

And..Yes! A very Happy New Year to
one and all..stay in and keep warm
Precious..Mum, will take care of the
snow, you just watch..! :). Bless!x

Julie said...

Happy New Year to you & dear Precious Lynn. She reminds me of little Poppy Q with her love of shopping bags. The snow looks amazing - it is mid summer here & real hot & the flies are bad. I think the table leg wrapped in sisal is a GREAT idea Lynn. xx

Smudge said...

Hey Precious- I'm a bag ladycat, too! I especially enjoy laying on the plastic ones. You know, the crinklier the better! Anyway, dad and I are sending a big snuggly Happy New Year to you both!!

John Bellen said...

Happy new year to you, Lynn and Precious. What a good idea about the table leg/scratching post. I've never heard of that arrangement before. You should mention that elsewhere, if you haven't. It would be especially good for people in tiny apartments or the like.

And as for ten inches of snow... Well, that's a white Christmas, all right. At least it looks powdery and soft, not heavy and wet.

A happy new year to you!

Katie Isabella said...

Happy New Year Lynn and Precious! I love those bags too. I'm a bag lady cat too! I get in there and fight my way out!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...