Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Precious is embarrassed by her weight, so she is hiding in the bag.  She gets
a weigh in one week from today.  She has her paws crossed the new food is
doing it's thing.


Timmy Tomcat said...

We hope so. Our Blue was a very big fellow when he arrived years ago and now is a big on the big side as an elder. We wonder if it runs in the dark gray kitties?

John Bellen said...

Don't be embarrassed Precious. And don't worry; if you need to lose weight, your mum is on the job.

Henny Penny said...

Hey Lynn. Thank you for visiting. Precious is, well, precious! I had to laugh about her hiding in the bag. Have you seen our cat Smokey? Smokey looks like Precious. Smokey is a little on the heavy side too and eats like there will never be another meal. Maybe it does run in the dark gray kitties, as Timmy suggested. Every time my husband picks up Smokey, he says, Mel, you are feeding him too much. :)

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank you for looking at this new blog about Precious. Hopefully I will put out
interesting items for you. Lynn

Reading time

  "Lynn and I are reading a good mystery book together." "She tells me this is number 16 of one of her furavorite writers. I ...