Friday, March 21, 2025

Spring Sprang Sprung

 "Look Lynn!  Chippie came out fur the Spring! He sprang! He

sprung up!"

"Real live Chippie eating apple."

"I wanna catch him!  Lynn's been feeding him fur me.
He's been gittin' butternut and acorn squash seeds when
she cooks these things.  I don't eat either one.  But a 
roasted chippie fur dinner would be good."

"But wait,  this one is not movin'.

"It's an imposter!"

"How did Angel Seney's Chipmunk
souvenir fool us, Lynn?  I thought yesterday
was Spring and now I'm not sure if that is 
real either."

Spring is a funny season, Precious.  We still
have very cold nights below freezing.  But your
Chippie has come out and has run around quite a bit.
He probably is waiting for your catio fence to be
built soon as it is warm enough.

Our Eastern Blue Birds have nested in the box.
 They had 4 successful nests last year.
They live in our yard year round.  I kept them fed in dry meal worms.

Soon and very soon, I hope, I'll have hundreds of 
miniature daffodils blooming.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That chippie is very realistic looking. Yesterday was a lovely Spring day, cloud free sky and temperature up in low 60s. Today we are overcast and 54F.
That is a lovely photo of you, Precious.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

HaHa! Bless! You can't beat a real live Chippie
Precious....He's lovely...So, he did'nt share any
of his apple then...Never mind...they do eat a
lot for a tiny creature...!

And, yes, our Spring was last Monday, third one
this year, wish they'd make there minds up, it's
still cold though, temp. around zero, even though
the suns been out everyday for a week, it needs
to dry out a bit more....and, the clocks go on a hour next weekend, Sunday, 30th, so, it'll be lighter all round...!

Best get on, l'm off up to Lidl, the supermarket, need a
few bits and pieces, to keep me going...l like to keep
stocked up....HeHe! Don't want to starve do we...! :).

Kea said...

That chippie fooled me at first too, Precious! I saw a real one here last weekend, and all the spring birds are back, so the season has finally sprung! 🌷☀️

jabblog said...

Never mind, Precious - the real ones will soon be about. He does look very cute, though.

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, an imposter that had me fooled too! Howdy Fux Chippie!

Eastside Cats said...

These first days of spring are so weird; warm then cold, sunshine then snow.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious eye think that chippie wood bee my tee crunchee like chipz…😺😺😺‼️if ewe chewed him. eye got nothin in TT but frozt on de ground ore windz that rival chi town 😾😾😾😾hope ewe can catched a reel chippie heer soon and everee one N joy de week oh end🍀🌸🦋🐟😺💙💙

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "SQUIRREL!!!"
Charlee: "No, Lulu, chipmunk."

Gidget Blue Sky said...

yes, izza still berry cold, cold, cold inna morning!!! i izza waiting fur all my lizerdz to start hatching

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious you are PURRfectly hilarious!!! OMCs I love this
"But a roasted chippie fur dinner would be good."
I am so excited to read about your successful Eastern BB nests last year. I look forward to hearing about them this year.
Your daffies are daring to stick their heads out. I am thankful they are so brave even though they look delicate
Hugs to you and my Chippie enjoy his veggies and may you enjoy just looking

Katie Isabella said...

I love the Chippies. Mom won't let me have one cause SHE loves them too!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

What a cutie pie! I love chippies :)

Leslie's Garden said...

We have two little chippies hanging out. Their little stuffed cheeks are so adorable.

pilch92 said...

Crocuses popping through, but no daffodils yet. You fooled me with the chipmunk. XO

messymimi said...

Spring is creeping up, it will happen, and meanwhile, keep looking for the chipmunk and thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

John Bellen said...

Yes, the temperatures are dropping here at night, too, but the days are getting warmer. I'm glad Chippie - the real one - is making an appearance - and that he's safe from you, Precious!

Smudge said...

Mmmmmmm, I like your idea of roasted Chippie for dinner, Precious. We're waiting impatiently for spring to fully stay in place leading to summertime here, too.

Spring Sprang Sprung

  "Look Lynn!  Chippie came out fur the Spring! He sprang! He sprung up!" "Real live Chippie eating apple." "I wann...