Friday, February 7, 2025

Ice Decorations

 "Lynn,  those things don't look floofy or furry or warm. What

kinda animals are they? I don't see any kitties and I know I would

not be out in that cold!"


And if you are wondering how they are made,
                                        it was not with chisel and hammer, or chainsaw.
                                        Just the same way you make ice cubes,  in a mold
                                        in a very cold freezer.


lobster (totally unedible)

I left the Precious safely and snuggly 

                                    at home one cold day to see the Winter Festival in

                                     a neighboring town.  There were lot of ice statues in front

                                     of the small businesses.  A few food trucks in the area 

                                    and a few window watchers along.  We went to get out  

                                     for a bit.  We've gone before when it was so 

                                     warm they were melting.  Not this year!

                                         I did go into the shoe store and get a new pair of 

                                     hiking boots.  This store is the Real McCoy.  Run by the

                                      same family for decades. 

                                         The door is inset and the side display windows

                                     hold lots of shoes.  The shelves run up to the tin 

                                     ceiling on two walls.

We were glad to come home to warm furnace
and a hungry cat, needless to say.  She's always
waiting for us to get in and get with it!

"It's hungry work waiting, Lynn."

Screech Owl

This owl has been in and out of the bird/squirrel box a
few times this winter.  The song birds sometimes let us
know she's in there during the day by mobbing her entrance.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! Wow! Those statues look great...especially the
eagle...The penguin made me does 'ALL'
the fish he eats, stay in his tummy...! :).

The owl looks funny to...must be a baby one, to fit
inside a bird box, the song birds need'nt worry, it'll
grow quite quickly, and then they can have their bird
box back....HeHe! Bless! :O).

Barwitzki said...

Thank you very much. These ice sculptures are absolutely magnificent.
Nice walk that calls for a comfortable armchair for dessert.
Hug for you

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those ice statues look great. Very often during cruises some of the galley staff make them. They carve them with various size knives though.
It is always good to get back home to the warm and to Precious who patiently awaits your return.
That is a lovely photo of the owl. He/she has found a good place to shelter.

Kea said...

The ice statues are terrific! What fun, to get out and away for a bit. The new hiking boots are a bonus!

Precious, you have some pretty awesome kitty TV to watch, with that owl!

Stay warm and cosy!

P. S. When I got up this morning, I checked the weather app on my phone right away, looked, and said out loud, "Oh, it's mild out." It speaks volumes when that's my first reaction to minus 4C, windchill minus 11C. 🙄😄

jabblog said...

The penguin is my favourite, of course. Nice to get some new boots and even nicer to get back again to Precious and a warm home.

Eastside Cats said...

Our town had an ice sculpture fair, but these were carved by dudes with all manner of tools. It was bitterly cold, so I made the circuit and got back into my warm car!
That's a screech owl; love their hoots!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are very nice ice sculptures but warm inside the house is always best sweet Precious! That owl is a hoot.

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious thank you for giving Lynn your prior approval to visit the ice sculptures. They are beautiful. MOL MOL waiting does make one hungry.
I don't think I've seen a screech owl box around here. Too urban I guess.
Hugs and Happy weekend. I know you are eager to use you new hiking boots

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Me again! I can't remember if I thanked you for your card which arrived with Cecilia's on Monday. Belated thanks if I didn't, or double thanks if I did!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Birds!!! But kind of transparent ..."

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious…sew yur pawrentz leeve ewe for 75 dayz and lynn comez home with sum new shooz but eye am knot see in wear they bringed home any thing for ewe….that iz against cat law 56.934 tell lynn ta look it up coz itz trooth. sure thoz ice stat chewz iz pawsum and all, even tho eye due knot see a trout ore a perch, but thatz noe sub stee toot for comin home emptee handed wear de catz concerned.🐟💙💚😺‼️

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my those sculptures are amazing!!!!! Thank you so much for wishing Lenny a happy birthday!!

John Bellen said...

I figured the sculptures couldn't have been chiselled, but they are pretty neat nonetheless. I agree, though, that it's nice to come home where it's warm.

The Florida Furkids said...

It looks too cold out there for us Florida kitties.

Julie said...

Those statues are wonderful Lynn. I remember eating in a restaurant one time when there was a huge ice sculpture in the middle of the room surrounded by all sorts of sea food on a huge table. It was a buffet style where you could help yourself. The ice sculpture was melting & I had to keep going back to check as it really bothered me. I think it was summer time & the heat was making it melt quite quickly.
Precious I'll just be you love it when Mum gets home. Blackie always stands up when I get home from anywhere, even if I've only been gone a short time to feed neighbors pets ... he thinks "here comes the food truck & I am going to get fed (again)". Have a great weekend - I am off to the garden before it gets really hot here. x0x

Ms. ~K said...

What a fun post! We love the ice molds!
You look so cozy in your tent. Scoot over & I’ll join you❣️ Rocky

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Those ice sculptures are amazing!

pilch92 said...

Nice ice sculptures. It amazes me that people can make those. I would not want to waste time on something that doesn't last long. Brody wishes he could keep you warm Precious. XO

Leslie's Garden said...

Hi Lynn, Those are beautiful ice sculptures. Glad the temperatures stayed cold so they wouldn't melt. I love the picture of the owl in the bluebird box. I had one just like it - where the squirrels made the hole bigger so they could hang out inside. We are experiencing super nice spring like weather here. Have a nice weekend. Keep warm and take care.

Bernideen said...

Oh how fun! I love small town special events!

CCL Wendy said...

Those ice statues are marvelous! I live in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and we have ice statues at our Winter Festival. They are carved on a canal which is also used for ice skating.
I hope Precious was fed on time, and I adore owls. We may have some in the woods out back, but mostly we just see squirrels.

messymimi said...

The ice statues are amazing and as for Mr. Owl, well, he has to eat, too. It's just the way of it.

Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

Smudge said...

These are pretty cool. Dad used to work in a restaurant where the chef chiseled ice sculptures by hand for special events.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Even from a mould those statues are a delight to see. Hopefully each will last a while yet. And if you bought new shoes and boots, they last too!
Lovely to see you napping, Precious. The warm is where I'd be, especially if an owl was around :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Those are pretty ice statues! But we agree with Precious, we'd rather be in the warm!

The Chans

The J-Cats said...

Wow, those ice sculptures are beautiful!
But you, Precious, are even more beautiful, besides being soft and warm and furry.

Chris said...

Wow the ice figures are amazing.

Marvelous Marv said...

What wonderful Cubes/Sculptures! They are so clear! Very impressive. And that sure sounds like a cool store. And a winter festival...that would be fun! They have a few around here, but Mom has not been in years...purrhaps she will take Nutmeg to one net winter! I, Marvelous, would be like you Precious, waiting at home (and complaining about being hungry). That Owl house is pretty cool! Keep being awesome! Your #1 Fan Boy, Marvelous Marv

Katie Isabella said...

Good grief! The owl lives in there? I
would be concerned an evil squirrel would bust in and devour me.

Katie Isabella said...

Precious, did you go to a stylist and get your onesie lightened?

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....