Friday, October 25, 2024

Trip to Dr. Feelbad

 "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to the V-E-T.

"They did not git me a private room as fast a usual.  They do
not like me singing the cat song fur it makes the dogs howl.
But I had to sit in the tater sack fur 15 minutes whilst doggies
paraded by me to go git doggie baths,  boy are they nuts."

"Then the gurl took me away and the vampire nearly sucked all
my bloods out and they squeezed my tummy to make me pee.
Lynn felt wet bloomers when I got back to her.
Dr. Feelbad came in and gave me a steriod shot fur my
itchy ears as the Zyrtec is not working.  He stuck telescope down
each ear to try to see my brain and he listened to my heart.
He said it murmured to him.  I did not do that on purpose as
I really do not like to talk to strangers.  He tried to pry my
jaw open to see my tooths but I wouldn't let him.  He was 
afraid ifn he got in there, I'd snap shut like a 'gator."

"So the story is I have to git my tooths cleaned on Oct. 30 and 
it will be the last time 'cause of my heart talking.  I also git a 
chest Xray that day and my claws clipped professionally.
He says he wanted me to take steroids fur my ears but I
can not now.  So he put me on DOGGIE medicine called
Apoquil.  Lynn hopes I do not start barking."

"The only thing good that came out of this was the vet did say
he liked my cute grey nose!  When I got home I hid the rest of 
the day and that's a long time 'cause we went there super early."

"Lynn says she let you know what comes of dog medicine and

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Julie said...

Oh Goodness me dear Precious ... all that as well as Mum stuffing you in a tater sack!!! It does not bear thinking about!!! I hope you are okay & you do not start barking sweet Precious. I am hoping that I don't have to take Miss Pip to the V E T - she is probably hoping more than me(!!). Take care of your sweet self dear Precious & Mum probably needs a big lie down after all that shenanigans. x0x

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

I've just left Julie's post, and came straight here...
Oh! My goodness Precious, l thought l was reading
summat to do with Halloween...?
You've certainly been through the wars, l thought,
when is this gonna end...Poor Precious...! :(

Lets hope the next update will be more positive....
You take care now...and don't forget Mum's always
there for you....! :O) God Bless..!x

LOULOU said...

OH, you poor baby and yes, let's hope you don't lift your leg on the couch, haha!!!! That'll teach 'em to put you in a sack! But we must get our kitties well and happy, so grin and bear it, or cat it.. Clean teeth feel really good, I can vouch for that. And you will be much healthier.

Kea said...

Oh Precious, what a terrible ordeal for you (and Lynn too, I expect). I'll have my angels send their purrs for your dental. Nicki and Derry knew all about those!

I hope the meds help you and absolutely that you don't start barking! Though we would love you no matter what sounds you made. ❤️❤️

jabblog said...

Precious, what a horrid time you've had, and poor Lynn, too. You will feel much better when you've had your teeth seen to. I hope you've -(both) recovered now. You do look very angry in your last photograph but your grey nose is very cute.

Eastside Cats said...

Well, cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs, do you knowhatImean?
Hoping things work out; sending purrs.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You poor girl, that's a lot to go through but I'm sure your Vet will take really good care of you during your dental. Hugs sweet one.

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious I commend you for meowing your displeasure after all if you don't speak up no one knows. Angel Madi's trip to the vet was less than 5 min however, she sang all 100 verses of the song of her people. Our vet had a dog side and a cat side. However, the dogs were LOUD!!
Fingers and toes and eyes crossed you don't start barking but purrs the meds help you itchy ears.
Here's too a good teeth cleaning and mani pedi

Hugs Cecilia

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Precious,
Can't believe that Lynn put you in a tater sack and I guess you had a decent pet carrier.
It sure was a lot for having to endure and scary—don't blame you for hiding the rest of the day!
But it is good to know about your health.
Teeth will get nicely cleaned in a couple of days and you will be fine.
Mariette + Kitties

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Oh No Precious!! What a totally traumatic event, and seriously, if mew need to contact Dr Basil for a bit of counselling after said traumatic event, feel free to contact him! 🐾🐾 Happy Friday to mew, and we hope your weekend is EPIC!!!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh precious!! dat izza awfull!!! but when yoo go in fur your teefz izza gonna be like a spa treetmint! yoo shood go an see dr. basil and do summa hizza breefing treetmint to calm yourself

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious…that total lee sux like a vacuum ma sheen….yeow….soree ya waz put thru all thiz and ya dinna even get a toy. sendin best fiszhez and st francis
blessingz two ewe that all goez well with yur teeth and knock wood and tozz salt yur murr murr can bee liked…fixed N stuff πŸ’™πŸŒΈπŸ’šπŸŒΈ

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Precious, what a terrible horrible day for you, and for Lynn too. I hope you have come out of hiding by now. I also hope the dental goes well and you will feel much better after it.

catladymac said...

Alexander the Grey Kitty got a similar exam this week too...He is 14 and has bad teeth (and a bd eye but that has been around for awhile.) He got his temperature taken and his ears examined and two shots. So he can sympathize, and hopes that you will feel better. He sort of does.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor baby, what an ordeal!

pilch92 said...

Brody and I are sorry you had to go through all that. The Tooth Fairy will visit you if they take any toofies. You will be in our prayers. XO

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Nooo, not the vet! Boo! Hiss!"

Fur Everywhere said...

We hope that your dental goes well and that your blood work comes back looking great!
Tylan, Giovanni, and Mom Sierra

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That sounds very traumatic, Precious! We hope the medicine helps, rather than makes you bark! None of us have ever had dentals (they're not big for cats in France) but it doesn't sound very nice. Be brave!

Sending Purrs,
The Chans

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Precious...what an awful time of it! And my gosh, your description of it was enough to make MY own furs stand on end!!! Come over to see me. We'll take and have tea.

messymimi said...

You've been through the wringer, honey, and so has your mama, I know, because of being concerned about you.

Trip to Dr. Feelbad

  "What a sorry tail I have to tail.  Lynn grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and stuffed me into a tater sack and dragged me off to t...