Friday, March 22, 2024

Same old, same old

 "Lynn said I have control of the blog today.  I am using voice command with cat language interpret to hooman as I have no thumbs."

"Furst thing to git offa my chest is that Spring has
not sprung and that's why Lynn is not writin'. She doesn't
want to rain on yer purrrade.  She is cooped up in the house
with snows and high winds and bitter colds.
Me, I'm comfy warm inside where I belong."

"My complaint is time change.  It's been goin'
on 2 weeks and Lynn is using the new time to git
up at 5:15 in the pitch dark and wakes me up.
Yeh, I like my breakfast, but I don't like to be woke.
And then she goes out in the 20 F weather in the pitch
dark and feeds those burds."

"Now, I have been watchin' the burds feed, and 
the deer prance and eat the apple peel ev-furry day.
And we have a mama squirrel that I have Lynn take
burd peanuts to ev-furry morn so she can have a good
breakfast. Then she runs back up 50 foot tall cherry
tree to her nest of babies.
And seein' the dry leaves beat on the back door and make
me think they are comin' in to play.  But they never
make it inside and Lynn won't leave the door open.
So I guess we are not the best company this week.
We'll think about this come next week and be more 

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Oh! sound as if your a bit confused
to~day, what with Mum getting up at 5.15...5.15..?
It'll be dark anywhere in the world at 5.15...! :(
I hate the dark, l'm not frightened of it, l just don't
like the TV in the bedroom stays on all night...!
So, at the moment it's getting light at about, 6.45,
then l'll get up, downstairs, first green tea of the day,
back to bed for half hour, watch a bit of new, then l'm
up and about..! :).

And, it's started to warm up, bit of sun, last couple
of days, spring is in the air, l've decided to take a
trip to Poole this morning, seaside town on the coast,
and l'm going on the bus, l have a free pass, so might
as well use it...! And just a 45min trip...! I might even
spend some money...HeHe! :).
You two stay safe and warm now...! :O).
💛✨💛✨💛✨💛✨💛✨ 💛✨💛✨💛✨💛

jabblog said...

Precious, some days it feels as if the winter will never end and that can be depressing.
Your wild birds and animals are lucky to have Lynn to look after them, otherwise you wouldn't have anything to entertain you.
Soon, the day light hours will be longer and the sun will shine. Meanwhile, keep warm.

Kea said...

Precious, we are bracing for up to 15 cm of snow later today and tonight, and I'm joining you both in not feeling very upbeat about this return of winter so late in the season.

At least you have good kitty TV, with the birds and the mama squirrel!

Take care and think warm thoughts!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are happy that Spring has sprung here Precious, come visit and get some warm with us. Have fun watching Bird-TV!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious yur mom iz sur uzin a lot oh green paperz on thoz who
live out o doorz… in stead oh spendin em on EWE….just think what
ewe could get with de 28,193.14 that her haz spent on SEED a lone
yur veree own ree clinerz chair for startz 🐟💙😺‼️ happee week
end two all ☘️🍀💚

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Well Precious here it is not quite spring either.
Yesterday it was warm and sunny, around 80°F so I walked with my wheelchair/walker. Glad I did as today it rains and rains. Tomorrow also and a lot cooler!
You have purrfect bird and critter TV to watch from the window.
Our hummingbirds are back on the feeder, that was a happy sight mid week and Pieter quickly filled the feeder for them.
Oh, squirrels do feast here as well when Pieter brings bird seed to the big oak stump and filling up the feeders.
We love watching them from our bay window and so do our three kitties.
Mariette + Kitties

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL Precious you have great command of the human voice and just how to post. Well done. We are still complaining about time here and how then need to leave it alone. Angel Madi did not like spring forward AT all she wanted to eat at the real 6 am each morning and the real 4:30 pm each night. Her window perch was right at the bird feeders outside...they were her entertainment but she did not like the cheek bushy tailed squirrel who came up to her back door shaking his tail furs.
Happy weekend we have about a bit over 1" of rain coming in this evening thru tomorrow afternoon but no snow
Hugs Cecilia

Eastside Cats said...

It's a rough life, being a housecat!
We are getting inches of snow right now; it's like Winter turned around before the door hit him in the caboose, for at least one final gasp!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "We don't know why the humans mess with their clocks every year. Nobody seems to like it, except the coffee companies, who get to sell more product for a few weeks every spring!"

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It is Spring today with sun and mild temperatures, but it could be more heavy rain and gales tomorrow. I don't take notice of the weather forecasters any more because they always get it wrong. I hope your Spring soon arrives.

The Florida Furkids said...

Thanks for the update. We don't really have Spring here but, on the other paw, we don't really have Winter either so we're okay with that.

Julie said...

Oh how wonderful to have you do a special guest post dear Precious. But I am so sorry to read that Lynn has "cabin fever" - it sure has been a long wet snowy winter for you both. I do hope spring arrives soon in your neck of the woods.
Yes the time change can be hard to adjust to - ours is coming on April 7th so the newspaper tells me. Our mornings will be a tiny bit lighter for awhile but our evenings will be dark early & the furry 3 will have to come inside earlier - they will not be pleased about this!!! Especially that Blackie boy who likes to wander & roam. Wishing you spring filled days real soon x0x0

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I would be upset at being woken up at that ungodly hour too! It's not spring here either...we're supposed to get around a foot of snow tomorrow :(

messymimi said...

The last days of winter when waiting for spring can be the hardest.

I hope you get warms and happies soon.

Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

CCL Wendy said...

Well, I think you are pretty good company. You and your Mom are very kind to feed the wildlife in snowy weather. I hope Spring shows itself in your area soon. After all March 21st is Spring by the calendar. Let's hope warmer weather catches up.

John Bellen said...

I hear ya, Precious: it's supposed to be spring here, too, and we have ten inches of snow, and more expected. It's not very cold, and that's something, but still, where is the greenery? Evidently, other species than humans and cats think the same: squirrels are having their families already!

Katie Isabella said...

I hope both of you can cheer up and be happy. Better days ARE coming I promise. Love you both.

The J-Cats said...

It's true, Precious, alas. Effurrytime We think Spring is here at last, it changes its mind and retreats!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Early spring is so difficult - winter just doesn't want to leave! I understand Miss Precious - how difficult it is when spring won't come to stay! I'm with you, hoping the cold weather leaves soon, and spring blooms come to stay!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I hate the time change too!

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...