Friday, January 12, 2024

Sharpen those claws

 "I am so lucky.  Some one here made me 3 sisal scratchy posts when I moved in.  2 of them are on table legs and one is nailed to a wall stud in the basement. "

"I am in need of them as hoomans here insist on
cutting off my sharp claw points about ev-furry month.
When Lynn opens a fresh bag of crunchies, she says I 
have to pay up with loss of sharp hooks.  Me, I think
this is totally unfair, but I love my scratchy posts."

And I love to not have my legs shredded every evening
when you wake up and stretch out your paws on my

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

Ah! Bless! I've never bothered with scratch pads
with any of my pussy~cats...plenty of trees etc..
out in the garden, which were often
neighbour has a pussy~cat, and two scratch pads
indoors...but Fudge prefers to use the back of the
settee..HeHe! And..when she's not there of course! :)
🐱 😸 😻 🐱 😸 😺 😻 😼 🐱 😸 😻 🐱

jabblog said...

You're a very lucky cat, Precious, and very good to allow your human to clip your claws.

Kea said...

I had scratchers all over the place. 😁

Precious, I really want to know if you're good about your pawdicures, or if it takes two humans to do it! All of my cats would react like it was the worst thing ever, and I often had to sneak a claw in while they were sleeping.

Lynn and Precious said...

It definitely takes 2 hoomans to hold me down! Or up rather. I hate having my front "pinkie" nails clipped of all them.

The Florida Furkids said...

We have lots of scratchers!!!!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn,
We have a big scratching square in the hallway and of course the tree trunks outside function for 'filing down' their claw points. We never have to do anything about them...

Yvonne said...

My girls love those sisal scratching posts!

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious what kind folks to provide you with your very own Mani-Pedi set up...such a cute post
Hugs Cecilia

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious…try scratchin cloth sum time ! eye haz de loveseetz armz
down two de frame 😼😺🐟‼️πŸ’™ mackerull boomer junior butter feeld ~~~~

da tabbies o trout towne said...

pea ezz..did lynn make de crozz stitch on yur side bar ! they bee total lee awesum πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’š

Lynn and Precious said...

She did one of me, Peepers, Seney and Suzy Q. Took a life time, that is why she is now old.

Julie said...

You are very lucky indeed dear Precious to have THREE scratchy posts! I won't be telling Madam Pip this as she will want 3 all to herself! Blackie uses the base of my clematis climbing shrub to scratch his on & Little One uses anything he can jolly well get his claws into!!! Alot of nice things around here are no longer nice! πŸ˜‘Happy Weekend to you both x0x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are lucky to have those scratchy posts. The boys preferred to use the honeysuckle shrub in the garden, or if they were out in the fields they used the big old oak tree.

pilch92 said...

Glad you have your scratching posts. Brody never lets me do his nails. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That's an unusual method of payment for your crunchies!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We have tons of scratchers here and those sistal things too. We sure use them lots.

John Bellen said...

I can always tell when it's time to cut claws: my skin lets me know.

Katie Isabella said...

Mom said she is feeling the pain again! I know that means another call to the V-e-t!!!

messymimi said...

Mani-pedis are good things, and so are scratcher posts. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

The J-Cats said...

We use the many boxes Mummy and her cleaning lady provide for Us, to exercise Our Claws.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

I have to make do with the gate post and one sisal post indoors. You surely are a much-loved feline, Precious.
Mrs H. and I are glad you both enjoyed the book. Conrad is a real star. Book three is in the offing and promises to be epic!

Katie Isabella said...

Come on over Precious! Bus will be there 5.32 PM. You'l hear the meow horn. Can't wait.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oh we have to ask to have our mom make us some of those sisal scratchy posts. They look better than the ones we have. What we have does work and we get our clawsies cut too when they get too sharp.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, Precious, do-it-yourself is always the best option. And much less painful, too. You're a good girl to stick to the scratching posts, as well. They are so much more rewarding, after all.

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....