Friday, January 5, 2024

Doll from the time of Dinosaurs

 "Lynn told me another one of her long long tales.  It seems that if I had been born when she was, in the days of dinosaurs, I had a  Great Gran'maw."

"And  Great G. had this little dolly she
dressed in a frilly dress and kept on her vanity fur years.

"But I guess Great G. grew wings and flew away,
and someone took the dolly away, when they
should not have."

"After 50 furry long years, they got a guilty
conscience and mailed her to Lynn a year ago.
It's original dress was in tatters, (not kept as 
neat as my grey onesie).  So Lynn got rid of
the dress and decided to make some clothes fur
the poor girl.  Her Gran'maw taught her early on
how to crochet and this is how she looks today fur
the new year."

"I slept through much of the stitching, but I heard
ev-furry word of her story.  I let her sit in the living
area and sniff her once in a while."

"As long as she does not interrupt my usual
doin's, she is furry welcome.  Lynn says it makes
her happy to have her."

This 8 inch craft doll used to be found easily in
any store selling crochet thread and cloth.  but the
dolls have also gone the way of dinosaurs and can
no longer be purchased.  People have moved on
from this kind of crafting, I guess.

My maternal Grandmother was born on this date,
January 5, 1900.  She'd be 124 today and I often
wish she was still here. She was to only one
in my family to have the patience to teach me
needle crafts.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


jabblog said...

What a sweet little doll. I'm pleased for you that she has come home to you.

WILLIE...! =(^..^)= said...

The little doll looks lovely Precious...Mum certainly
made a nice outfit for her....! You look after her, and
give her a little sniff every day..she'd like that..! :).

I learned to crochet at a very early age, Sicilian boys
are raised like the Sicilian girls, so l cook, sew, knit,
crochet and do hair...which came in handy when l
became a single parent back in 1980...Goodness!

Well...we're into 2024, all much the same at the
moment, especially the weather...wet and windy..! :)
Nearly nine o'clock, must be time for another green
tea with honey and lemon....! :O).
Look after that dolly Precious...!x

catladymac said...

What a treasure ! And what great memories she brought with her !

Kea said...

That doll is a treasure, it's wonderful that you finally have her home. The dress and bonnet are sweet, perfect for her. ❤️

Brian's Home Blog said...

How wonderful that the sweet doll is back home where she belongs. Happy Birthday Heavenly Grandma.

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious what a wonderful story about GGma and Dolly. WOW
I think dolly looks a lot like one of my favorite people Lucille Ball.
Well done on the itty bitty crocheted outfit. I used to make Barbie clothes for my daughter...itty bitty things are hard to work with
Hugs Cecilia

da tabbies o trout towne said...

precious pleez ta tell lynn we iz buzzed happee de dolleez home
wear her shuld be! iz her name precious two ?! de gurl canna crow shay ta save her brane. de yarnz iz all wayz a hot mezz when her triez. wishin G gram a most happee birthday 🎂🐟😺‼️🌸

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Lynn,
Your grandmother will be smiling down from heaven!
You did so well in 'dressing' this heirloom piece that for so long was lost to you...
Also a perfect homage to her Birthday and you learned from her how to crochet such fine clothes.
Kudos to you and also to sweet Precious who fully understood that those stitches had to be produced!

messymimi said...

I'm so very glad you got the doll back and were able to honor your Great Grandmother by crocheting clothes for her.

Precious, no need to worry, the doll will not interfere with you in any way. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

pilch92 said...

Glad she got the doll back. Very nice outfit she crocheted for her. Brody sends you his love. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

The doll is beautiful and I'm so happy you have her back! My mom collected dolls so this post really touched my heart. She would've loved seeing this.

John Bellen said...

Someone returned the doll after all those years? It's good to have it back at last where she belongs - and now provided with a new wardrobe, too.

Julie said...

And you have done an exquisite job of her too Lynn!! How special to have her & to be able to treasure her. Yes Precious she gets to sit beside you but not too often. She has turned out adorable - gosh she is only tiny at 8 inches! Of all the crafty things I can do ... I cannot crochet & would so love to learn one day.
And by the way dear Precious ... there are quite a few of us fine folk still around from "the time of the dinosaurs" ... & we are all doing quite well looking after our furry friends!! x0x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

How wonderful to have the little doll back again. Her new outfit looks lovely too. A fitting tribute to your grandmother for her birthday in Heaven.

The J-Cats said...

Our Mummy's Mummy, who went to her Rainbow Bridge nearly 51 years ago, used to knit clothes for Mummy's dollies. Mummy also was born in the Age of the Dinosaurs - although She wouldn't thank Us for saying so (MOL).

My Mind's Eye said...

Precious and Lynn thank you for the lovely bday wishes. Happy to say I just returned from a 1.1 mile walk, the sun is finally shining after 24 hours of rain. Hugs Cecilia

Adorapurr said...

I love this story. My momma has several dolls given to her by her momma when she was little.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Such a wonderful story and I am so happy for you that you got your craft doll back from the people who had her. It's a true gift to have had your Grandmother teach you how to crochet. Those are the most memorable moments I have of her, knitting and crocheting. Hugs, Brenda

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time." "Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name....