Friday, March 31, 2023

Tea Time

 "Lynn, you can have the blueberry pancakes and the hot tea. 

Give me the scrambled eggs, please."

Just us girls one mid morning having a quiet time.

"I like eggs sometimes. And this is one
of those times."

"I stayed up all morning long hoping I'd
get some more food.  And I did!"

I figured Precious was deserving of a bit of
warm egg as she did not go directly to sleep
at 6:30 in the morn, as usual.

She kept me company and we played chase the
jingle ball.  Then she sacked out for just a rest
on my jacket I placed on the floor for her.

My pancakes were tasty and I did get most of the

Some of our furry friends and their humans will 
be celebrating Passover this coming week.
May it be a blessed one.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Cat foods and prices

 "Lynn, please do not cut off my supply of meals!  I know I am

an expensive kitty to feed."

Not to worry Precious. I will continue to buy your
brand of crunchies.  However, I was going to tell 
folks about the price.  I am sure they are going 
through the exact thing as us.

I started Precious on Purina One dry food in
January of 2020.  It has helped her drop 2 pounds and 
as of now, keep it off.  So I don't want to change a thing.

When I started it, it was so much less expensive than
the many different levels of prescription cat food 
we had to try and fail on weight loss.  It was only $7.00
for a 3 pound bag instead of $15.  
Then covid and pandemic and the lack of cat food. 
It has been hard to find some times, but I keep at least
3 if not 4 bags in reserve. 
The price has slowly gone up to $11 one month ago.
It is now $13 this week at the grocery.
I can only guess how the prescription food has gone up.

And when I was at the grocery, I found this new cat food.

"Lynn, isn't this the woman who used to croon tunes and 
married the wacky Garth Brooks?   She knows how
to cook cat food now?"

I guess so Precious.  And no, you do not get to try the
stuff out, no matter the price.  You know canned food,
even if it is in an "apple juice" style box, it is still 
soft and messes with your innards.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciate.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Time Change or no Change

"Everyone fur time changes, raise your paw.  Lynn and I are

agin them fur a few reasons."

"One reason is Lynn is a nut about "time". She
always has to know what time it is and she must
always get up at the same time, 5:15."

"Now, fur me.  This newest change meant Lynn got up at
the old 4:15 AM and I was still asleep in our recliner.
So she POKES me with her finger to wake me up!  Now
mind you, I do like my breakfast but not the poking."

Now, Precious, please let me explain so folks and kitties
do not thing I am being hurtful to you.
I have to walk down the dark hall into the dark
kitchen and get the jar of crunchies out of the cabinet in the dark.
When you are not circling my ankles, and remember you
too are dark, I have to feel around for you.  In this case,
I poked around on the chair and there you were, asleep!

"Then there is the loss of one hour of sleep in the Spring,
and in the Fall, the extra hour means I have to wait
longer fur breakfast!  Someone stop the clock!"

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, March 10, 2023

Yogurt Monster

 "Lynn, hurry up with the yummy stinky yogurt."

This has been going on since sometime
this past year. Months and months.
I do not eat the stuff, and now the man who
rubs her belly in the morns, no longer has
a want or a need.

So I have created a morning monster. This girl
only eats one scant measuring teaspoon of the 
stinking stuff. However, she demands it as soon
as she has had 1/2 of her crunchies and her must
have belly rub.

"I think this says it all, Lynn."

"That's not me, Lynn.  I wished and I ate.
The way of a good kitty."

Yep, Precious you are a true "clean plater"
as my mother always reminded me to be.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Prairie Dog Story

 "I look at these prairie doggies ev-furry time I am in the bed room.

Lynn says they are now so old, they break the world record fur life time expectancy.  Don't know what that means."

I thought I'd share a prairie dog story.
Precious and I received a singing Christmas e-card
from the marvelous Marv and his entire family of fur
and humans.  It was Prairie dogs singing Jingle Bells.
Precious is still watching them do this.

But my prairie dogs where a strange gift from a
friend decades ago.  They have always sat under
this small lamp table.
When Angel Seney was with me, she just loved to
curl herself  into a giant C wrapped around the
prairie dogs for hours a day every day.
After she left me, I could never remove the little dogs
no matter what.

"I am a cat, I would not be that fur-eindly with these little
doggies.  I'd chase 'em and then you don't want to know
any more than that."

March is coming in like a lamb and the prediction
is it will go out like a lion.  In between it will just
be February all over again, 'peat and and repeat.

I understand the UK has a lack of fresh produce
right now.  That's not good or healthy. Hope it ends sooner
than later.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandone...