Friday, March 21, 2025

Spring Sprang Sprung

 "Look Lynn!  Chippie came out fur the Spring! He sprang! He

sprung up!"

"Real live Chippie eating apple."

"I wanna catch him!  Lynn's been feeding him fur me.
He's been gittin' butternut and acorn squash seeds when
she cooks these things.  I don't eat either one.  But a 
roasted chippie fur dinner would be good."

"But wait,  this one is not movin'.

"It's an imposter!"

"How did Angel Seney's Chipmunk
souvenir fool us, Lynn?  I thought yesterday
was Spring and now I'm not sure if that is 
real either."

Spring is a funny season, Precious.  We still
have very cold nights below freezing.  But your
Chippie has come out and has run around quite a bit.
He probably is waiting for your catio fence to be
built soon as it is warm enough.

Our Eastern Blue Birds have nested in the box.
 They had 4 successful nests last year.
They live in our yard year round.  I kept them fed in dry meal worms.

Soon and very soon, I hope, I'll have hundreds of 
miniature daffodils blooming.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Shrine visit

 "Now, Lynn did this trip in the fall.  Not much happening in Jan. and

Feb. and March!  Whata winter fur sleepin' and bird feedin'." 

This Catholic Church is in Carey Ohio,
in the north central part of the state.

Built in 1875.  The Statue of the Virgin Mary is to the right
of the church alter in it's own alcove.

This is the Bacilica.

The Church has a many acres with the 
Stations of the Cross to walk and many
statues outside.  This path is over one mile long.

It is a very beautiful very old Church with
pipe organ.  It is a magnificent church and a
real pleasure to see in person.  I knew of for
years, but just not had made the effort to go
and visit.

"I had my own pipe organ goin' when she
walked in the door.  My classic tune of
"where's the food" in C minor, fur cat."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Name Change

"Lynn, I protest!  It is not my fault you git sparkled all the time."

"Asides, Sparky is a doggie name, not a kitty name."

"And another thing, you can not call me Pudgy."

I know Precious, even though we get sparked every time
we kiss, you will always be Precious.
And since you have lost more than one pound in
4 days in October, I will not call you Pudgy.
Sweetie Pie, Huny Bunch, Snookems,
Puddin' Cup,
That's your full name and the vet office
does not have room on the "name" line for it.

"I know I am more svelte now as I am only
14.4 pounds!  
Where did it go?  
I do not know."

Our Screech Owl left us a couple pellets in her bird house.
Of course, I wanted to see what she was eating this winter.
We figure it was mostly mice and a few shrews. The 
tiny jaw bones had minute sharp molars.
Hoping she is fine and found a place to nest this
Spring as I have not seen her in a few weeks.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, February 28, 2025

train station

"Lynn misses seeing trains.  They don't have any around our big little city.  So one day a few months ago I was once again abandoned like an unloved orphan. 

She ended up at a city park that has a major crossroads fur trains comin' and goin' north and south and east and west."

And then there was lunch at this very old
dinner that served breakfast and lunch only.
The best meatloaf dinner.

And this mural was on a building catty-corner to the diner.

The control tower is very close by and they
have a speaker for visitors to hear when the
next train is coming thru and what they are 
to do on the track.  It was fun to sit inside the
van and watch,  it was a very brisk weather day.

"The best thing, Lynn had me to come home to and warm
her fingers in my grey onesie."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.


Friday, February 21, 2025

Delivery by Pack Mule

 "Oh meow me! I gotta gift furom the wonderful Brody, packed and sent by his mom."

"The gift was mailed furom Massachusetts when Brody
had snow.  We had 1/2 inch of kibble size hail covered
by fureezing rain."

"Evidently the postal truck hit ice patch and just slid through Ohio
and landed in Indianapolis. That's 230 miles past me."

"Now the Indy post office nevfur heard of Ohio territory.
Founded in 1783!
So they took days to find us on Dan'l Boones' map.  Then they
loaded the gift on Number Seven,  Mad Jack's mule
furom Grizzly Adams.  They plodded to us finally."

"I hope I am not a heart breaker. Lynn says now
I am a teenager,  she's not sure if I should date."

We counted 20 Monday morning.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, February 14, 2025

My Little Valentine

 "Lynn and I want to say Happy Valentines to all our furiends." 

"I figger that it is fur me that it fell on a Furiday!
That's my gift to Lynn."

"Did you git a box of candy er a bouquet of flowers?"

"This is not Lynn's wedding dress, but one she saw at Christmas time.
It really is furom the dinosaur days as it was made in 1918.
It was sewn and embroidered all by a furry patient purrson
fur a furry special hooman we figger.
We thought it was kinda fittin' fur a valentine story."

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Ice Decorations

 "Lynn,  those things don't look floofy or furry or warm. What

kinda animals are they? I don't see any kitties and I know I would

not be out in that cold!"


And if you are wondering how they are made,
                                        it was not with chisel and hammer, or chainsaw.
                                        Just the same way you make ice cubes,  in a mold
                                        in a very cold freezer.


lobster (totally unedible)

I left the Precious safely and snuggly 

                                    at home one cold day to see the Winter Festival in

                                     a neighboring town.  There were lot of ice statues in front

                                     of the small businesses.  A few food trucks in the area 

                                    and a few window watchers along.  We went to get out  

                                     for a bit.  We've gone before when it was so 

                                     warm they were melting.  Not this year!

                                         I did go into the shoe store and get a new pair of 

                                     hiking boots.  This store is the Real McCoy.  Run by the

                                      same family for decades. 

                                         The door is inset and the side display windows

                                     hold lots of shoes.  The shelves run up to the tin 

                                     ceiling on two walls.

We were glad to come home to warm furnace
and a hungry cat, needless to say.  She's always
waiting for us to get in and get with it!

"It's hungry work waiting, Lynn."

Screech Owl

This owl has been in and out of the bird/squirrel box a
few times this winter.  The song birds sometimes let us
know she's in there during the day by mobbing her entrance.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Spring Sprang Sprung

  "Look Lynn!  Chippie came out fur the Spring! He sprang! He sprung up!" "Real live Chippie eating apple." "I wann...