Friday, February 14, 2025

My Little Valentine

 "Lynn and I want to say Happy Valentines to all our furiends." 

"I figger that it is fur me that it fell on a Furiday!
That's my gift to Lynn."

"Did you git a box of candy er a bouquet of flowers?"

"This is not Lynn's wedding dress, but one she saw at Christmas time.
It really is furom the dinosaur days as it was made in 1918.
It was sewn and embroidered all by a furry patient purrson
fur a furry special hooman we figger.
We thought it was kinda fittin' fur a valentine story."

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Ice Decorations

 "Lynn,  those things don't look floofy or furry or warm. What

kinda animals are they? I don't see any kitties and I know I would

not be out in that cold!"


And if you are wondering how they are made,
                                        it was not with chisel and hammer, or chainsaw.
                                        Just the same way you make ice cubes,  in a mold
                                        in a very cold freezer.


lobster (totally unedible)

I left the Precious safely and snuggly 

                                    at home one cold day to see the Winter Festival in

                                     a neighboring town.  There were lot of ice statues in front

                                     of the small businesses.  A few food trucks in the area 

                                    and a few window watchers along.  We went to get out  

                                     for a bit.  We've gone before when it was so 

                                     warm they were melting.  Not this year!

                                         I did go into the shoe store and get a new pair of 

                                     hiking boots.  This store is the Real McCoy.  Run by the

                                      same family for decades. 

                                         The door is inset and the side display windows

                                     hold lots of shoes.  The shelves run up to the tin 

                                     ceiling on two walls.

We were glad to come home to warm furnace
and a hungry cat, needless to say.  She's always
waiting for us to get in and get with it!

"It's hungry work waiting, Lynn."

Screech Owl

This owl has been in and out of the bird/squirrel box a
few times this winter.  The song birds sometimes let us
know she's in there during the day by mobbing her entrance.

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, January 31, 2025

The Approach

 "I'm still deciding if I am going all the way up or not."

"I'm sitting on the stool that launches me up
under the hanging clothes."

"But you are looking a me, Lynn. And you've
got that camera thing in your hand.  I can't let 
you see where I end up."

No, of course not Precious.  I would never think to
come back later and sneak a peek at you. Get some
shut eye, you've been up for breakfast for 2 whole hours.

"Turn off the light and git outa here.  Can't you see
I'm tryin' to sleep.  Jeessh!

Katie, Kozmo, Indigo, Charlee and Chaplin and so many more.

And our Angel Suzy Q.

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Reading time

 "Lynn and I are reading a good mystery book together."

"She tells me this is number 16 of one of her furavorite writers.
I only know it puts me to sleep at 5:30 after my supper.
The kitty on the cover is Diesel and is a Maine Coon like
Angels Seney and Peepers."

"We wish you all a good day and a good nap."

It should be "Change a Human's Life Day".

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Late Christmas Trees

 "Lynn wanted to show off some Christmas trees she saw last month. She went to a local museum and left me sleeping in my bed tent."

"But she left my brunch out as she was taking off
about the time I git up furom my morning siesta."

"So here goes."

Nativity scenes


More Santas

Santas out the ying yang.

"This was fur anyone who has already furgotten about

The building was built in 1906 first as an insane ayslum, 
then a hospital: a school; an orphanage.  It is history
right in the wooden floor boards.

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, January 10, 2025

From quiet to purrs and meows

 "I was afraid to talk when I came to live with you, Lynn. It wasn't

until we started playing chase the ball and frog-ona-stick did I 

realize this was home furever home."

When Precious came home from the orphanage she never made 
a sound. No wailing, no meowing, no caterwauling. 

She was silent throughout multiple vet visits to clear up
her dirty ears and her cloudy eye.  She never tried to claw or
bite or speak.
We all got used to each other fairly quickly. And once
Precious found she had toys (who wants them now!) and 
tents to play hide-n-seek, she seemed to be getting along
just fine. 
Except she was silent.

It was probably a year or more, until I finally
realized, if I put my ear on her chest, I could hear purring
going on in there.  I was so pleased and surprised!

She had plenty of voice when she had to have
her first annual check-up.  But otherwise, nothing.

But now,  at 5:15 AM she greets me with loud demanding
meows  (if she's awake) to get the lead out and feed her.
And when she uses the litter box, sometimes she sings
so I don't forget to clean up immediately.

"Don't fur-git to tell how much I purr.  I always
go all out with the purrs during the morning belly rub,
the 5 PM hair brushing and before I fall fast
asleep on Lynn's legs at 5:30 PM."

I am grateful she sounds like a cat, not silent like a mime.   

Precious celebrated her 12th Gotcha Day on January 8.

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It is much appreciated.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Tasty treat fur the kitty

 " 'member back when Dr. Feelbad made me feel bad?  Well, the hoomans got me back to eatin' by gittin' me some of these lickables.  It took a day or 2 but finally I realized they were yummy."

"Now evfurry day I git a teaspoon of yummy to make
my medicine go down.  The pate is super good.  I would
eat the whole thing if Lynn put it in front of me.
  Sorry Mackerull, it is made of
burd,  tasty burd, mol."

"I have quickly learned the sound of the spoon crushing the
tiny pill.  And even if I am UTB one mile down the hall, hang a left,
and hidden at the furtherest side, I come running and I even meow!
It's lip smackin' yummy."

By the time she finally started to eat this it had been
nearly 4 full days of no food.  Even then I had to
smear it on her nose to get her to lick.

I'm pleased Precious has grown back her inner ear furs
and her scalp at the inside base of her ears.  I had gotten
so used to these being bare spots I was amazed.

"Lynn, no one wants to look down my ear!"

We had a full rainbow about 7:30 AM on
New Years Eve.  Then a day of fairly constant
rain.  Cold weather is now prevailing.

We wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

My Little Valentine

  "Lynn and I want to say Happy Valentines to all our furiends."  "I figger that it is fur me that it fell on a Furiday! That...