Friday, January 3, 2025

Tasty treat fur the kitty

 " 'member back when Dr. Feelbad made me feel bad?  Well, the hoomans got me back to eatin' by gittin' me some of these lickables.  It took a day or 2 but finally I realized they were yummy."

"Now evfurry day I git a teaspoon of yummy to make
my medicine go down.  The pate is super good.  I would
eat the whole thing if Lynn put it in front of me.
  Sorry Mackerull, it is made of
burd,  tasty burd, mol."

"I have quickly learned the sound of the spoon crushing the
tiny pill.  And even if I am UTB one mile down the hall, hang a left,
and hidden at the furtherest side, I come running and I even meow!
It's lip smackin' yummy."

By the time she finally started to eat this it had been
nearly 4 full days of no food.  Even then I had to
smear it on her nose to get her to lick.

I'm pleased Precious has grown back her inner ear furs
and her scalp at the inside base of her ears.  I had gotten
so used to these being bare spots I was amazed.

"Lynn, no one wants to look down my ear!"

We had a full rainbow about 7:30 AM on
New Years Eve.  Then a day of fairly constant
rain.  Cold weather is now prevailing.

We wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.

Tasty treat fur the kitty

  " 'member back when Dr. Feelbad made me feel bad?  Well, the hoomans got me back to eatin' by gittin' me some of these li...