Monday, September 14, 2020

More Murals, for Precious.

"Lynn, show people my favorite 2 pictures.  I only like these 'cause of

the kitties and birdie."

These are taken of the Masonic Hall building in our big-little city.
They have painted pictures onto the old windows. There are more
that have people in them, and one with a blue jay landing.
Precious likes the first one, as she thinks it is of herself. One cat is
gray and the other a marmalade. The lower cat is a tuxedo with
a vase of flowers. Just in case you can't tell, the large bush next
to the man/window, is really live.  It is a hydrangea.

Above, we have the larger wall of the building showing some remarkable
pictation of the Masons.

And lastly, these 3 are just part of a very long low building mural. 
You can't do it justice with one shot and I didn't try to take every
part. It just shows the importance of the train through this city years
ago, and some of the industry that thrived at one time.

"Lynn, I just wish I had a window at the top to myself. I really am 
not a sharing kitty. But the ones there are really lucky they are inside
the painting and not on the outside. See if you think I do look like
the model they used."


John Bellen said...

You could easily be a an artist’s model, Precious.

I like the old buildings, and I am glad they are doing something with them in your town. Here the preservation and/or restoration of old buildings is haphazard, and largely depends on what money can be made from them.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Lynn lovely post. The buildings are interesting and I always love seeing what precious is up to,stay safe my friend and take care xx

Katie Isabella said...

Oh I LOVE LOVE these pictures. Everything about them and I enjoy them as much as the first ones you and your mom showed us,Precious. These are exactly right and I admire whomever started this idea and followed through.

Katie Isabella said...

And { are just elegant!!!

outside in the dark

  "Lynn says she can't really show you pictures of me outside anymore. Cause it is o'dark thirty and the sun is not up fur anot...