Friday, March 17, 2023

Time Change or no Change

"Everyone fur time changes, raise your paw.  Lynn and I are

agin them fur a few reasons."

"One reason is Lynn is a nut about "time". She
always has to know what time it is and she must
always get up at the same time, 5:15."

"Now, fur me.  This newest change meant Lynn got up at
the old 4:15 AM and I was still asleep in our recliner.
So she POKES me with her finger to wake me up!  Now
mind you, I do like my breakfast but not the poking."

Now, Precious, please let me explain so folks and kitties
do not thing I am being hurtful to you.
I have to walk down the dark hall into the dark
kitchen and get the jar of crunchies out of the cabinet in the dark.
When you are not circling my ankles, and remember you
too are dark, I have to feel around for you.  In this case,
I poked around on the chair and there you were, asleep!

"Then there is the loss of one hour of sleep in the Spring,
and in the Fall, the extra hour means I have to wait
longer fur breakfast!  Someone stop the clock!"

Thank you for stopping by for a visit and a comment.
It is much appreciated.



  1. Our clocks go forward an hour, Sunday week...
    The 26th..They keep saying it will stop, and
    discussing's appear on the TV about it...But!
    the same thing happens twice a year...
    It takes me quite a while to do mine, as l have
    eleven..(11)..clocks around my home, l usually
    do them the afternoon before...
    I also have fourteen..(14)..calendars, they take
    a bit of doing to...Monthly of course...HeHe! :O).

    Never mind least you'll have 'time'
    on yer paws...! Bless...! :O)x.
    🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾

    1. I also change clocks the afternoon before. Never helps on the loss of sleep in the Spring. They will never stop this nonsense in my life I bet.

  2. We wish the goofy humans would stop messing with the time PERIOD! Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us!

  3. Hoomons are so confuzing. Why do they need to change their time? Isn't it enough they have to change their undies and their toilet papurr? These time changes always mess with our dinnertimes. I'm thinking of asking my littergator to sue. Just not sure who to sue yet. Stay tuned. Love, Dori

  4. We don't like the time changes either.

  5. Boy you sure have to go through it. I did too! Our dinner and breakfast times should be inviolate!

  6. I dislike the time change too. We have to go through it next weekend. It doesn't mess up my meal times because I eat when I am hungry. I do have to take a lot of medication various times of the day because of health issues, and it really messes up trying to gradually change the hour for the ones that are essential to take at the same time every day.

    1. It would be tricky timing for taking medications properly.

  7. Oh Lynn and Precious we dislike the time change too! I also get up at the exact same time every day 6:09 am. (my husband makes fun of me getting up at a strange time). I would have to poke around too Precious!! You don't want Lynn tripping over you! I wish they would just leave the time alone!!! xoxo to you both!

  8. Dearest Lynn,
    Not a big deal—it is only a mind set.
    We did it thousands of times for work—all over the world.
    And we ought not forget all people that work shifts or are on the road with anything we need or eat... rain or shine!

  9. I want the whole world to reset the clocks by a half hour next time and then all of us leave it there forever. Everybody gets some of what they say they want (sunlight later into the evening) and should be happy enough.

    Thanks for joining Feline Friday!

  10. I don't like the spring change, but I love the fall one. Happy St Patrick's Day! XO

  11. It is always hard to adjust to the daylight savings time changes. I remember when we didn't have any of this. We are due to change in a couple of weeks - our mornings are very dark but will be lighter for awhile when we change. The Mr finds it very hard to get the cows to adjust to it ... they do not like it at all. You are so lovely Precious - look at your beautiful winter coat there. xx

  12. I have come across a few people who are in favour of Daylight Saving Time, but not many. It served its purpose for gathering crops in the world wars, but we don't need it anymore. May it be gone.

  13. We're always nonplussed by the fuss so many people make about the time change. We don't mind it in the least. For many years, #1 lived in Japan where they don't do it, so it's light at 4am in the summer and dark at 7pm...

    The Chans

  14. We put our clocks forward next week, and we're not looking forward to it. As it means our breakfast schedule will be all off, and that will result in second breakfast and third breakfast being wrong too!

  15. Since I'm so new here, let me get back to you next time change to let you know what I think. My new mom and dad say it doesn't mean much to them. Mom says dad's up at stupid o'clock every day no matter. Thank you for your very sweet welcoming words, by the way.

  16. Precious, We don't get an hour stolen till this coming Fursday night. But We look on the pawsitive side - that means an hour less to wait for breakfast on Furriday morning (mol).

  17. Our clocks went forward on Sunday and confused the cats - but not for long!
