Thursday, December 3, 2020

Oh no, snow!

 "Lynn, where is chippie? Why is the patio so shiny and yucky


Poor Precious. We have had days and days
of rain. So dark and boring and of course, chippie
is under the patio eating his stash. Why come out for
more in this? He'd need a rain coat.
I'm glad it is late November rain and not early snow. I
know our northern neighbors are dealing with much colder
and whiter weather.  I've already seen the influx of winter
birds. They say the most in 20 years due to food shortage
in Canada for them.

"Well, gosh Lynn, how do you think I feel? 
No sun puddle to lie in and chippie hiding
from me! You've got nothing to complain

And then December first came with 6 inches
of snow.

"What does this mean Lynn?  Where's my
chippie?  Dig 'im out, save 'im!"


  1. The north wind doth blow,
    And we shall have snow,
    And what will the robin do then, Poor thing?
    He’ll sit in a barn,
    And keep himself warm,
    And hide his head under his wing, Poor thing!

    The north wind doth blow,
    And we shall have snow,
    And what will the swallow do then, Poor thing?
    Oh, do you not know
    That he’s off long ago,
    To a country where he will find spring, Poor thing!

    The north wind doth blow,
    And we shall have snow,
    And what will the dormouse do then, Poor thing?
    Roll’d up like a ball
    In his nest snug and small
    He’ll sleep till warm weather comes in, Poor thing!

    The north wind doth blow,
    And we shall have snow,
    And what will the honey-bee do then, Poor thing?
    In his hive he will stay
    Till the cold is away
    And then he’ll come out in the spring, Poor thing!

    The north wind doth blow,
    And we shall have snow,
    And what will the children do then, Poor things?
    When lessons are done
    They will skip, jump and run,
    Until they have made themselves warm, Poor things!

  2. Precious is lucky to have a warm, snug home. I hope the little outsider-animals have something similar.

  3. Precious, I like your save Chippie. But don't fear...he is safe in his home. XXX

  4. Oh dear - poor Precious - no little friend to watch out the window. At least you are on the warm side of the door little Precious - not out in the cold & the snow. xx

  5. Lynn, what a beautiful cat! Your sweet story reminds me I've never known a cat who didn't love a good sun puddle!
